She Can't Be That Bad, Right?

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        We stood in line to the water truck, waiting to get our bottles filled. X-Ray was first in line, eager to get back to his hole.
"Good morning Theodore." Mom greeted.
"Man it's Armpit. Yo I don't know no fool named Theodore, alright?"
"Well, I don't know no fool named Armpit."
"Whatever." Armpit retorts back, grabbing his water.
"There's your water, whoever you are."
"Hey mom! I think I found something. Come here for a second. I think I found something." Mom hands back Squid his bottle before filling it and heads over to X.
"Man couldn't you wait till after we got our water? I'm dying!" I yelled at him.
"Now now just hold on Lillian." I sulked at mom as he ignored the rest of us and checked out the object X-Ray was holding up.
"Looks like a.. gold.. golden bullet or something, doesn't it? It's nice, right? So I get the day off now right?"
"You just might. We're gonna call the Warden. Hey Lou? You better get down here. I think we got something." Picking up a walkie talkie.
"We got something nice." X-Ray added.
"We got something nice." Mom added over the line. Mom put the walkie back and head back to the rest of us and started refilling the bottles. I finally got mine and drank some heading back to my hole. No body really shoveled, just stood around. Drinking water and waited for the Warden to make her way to us. Wonder what's so scary about this chick.

"Yo is the Warden really some scary chick?" I asked the others. Some nodded.
"Man she's worst than Mr Sir."
"Better not let her hear that man." I looked back out to the open land towards camp soon seeing a old Chrysler drive towards us. We all looked between each other as the Warden stepped out of the car. A tall slender, slightly older lady made her way towards mom. She wasn't that old, but she had some aging to her face. She looked nice though, no matter how old she was.
"Found it right over there." Mom stated handing the object to her." She took off her sunglasses looking at it more. Mr Sir who had ridden with her, walked closer towards the two. She looked at mom who nodded eagerly, before walking over towards X-Ray.
"This is where you found it?" She asked. He smiled and nodded.
"Yes ma'am." She smiled at him.
"Dr Pendanski, drive X-Ray back to the camp. Give him double shower tokens and a snack. But first, fill everyone's canteen."
"I already filled them." Mom said proudly. She quickly turned to him, her smile not faltering.
"Excuse me?"
"I had already filled them when you drove up in the car."
"Excuse me did I ask when you last filled them?" She asked putting her glasses back on and took a few steps closer towards him. Ooo moms in trouble. He continued to look at her, smiling as if choosing his next words wisely.
" No. You didn't but.."
"Excuse me. Now these fine boys have been working hard. Don't you think it just might be possible they have taken a drink since you filled there canteen?" He slowly nodded his head.
"It's possible."
"Oh it's possible, is it?" She asked as Mr Sir laughed quietly behind her. She suddenly turned her head towards us.
"Caveman! You come over here please." She said, more than asked.
"Get over there." Mr Sir demanded.
"That's right"
"Come on over, come on over." He rushed out of the hole and ran up to her taking his hat off.
"Now, did you by any chance take a drink since he filled your canteen?" She asked I smiled to myself and crossed my arms over the side of my hole. I learned forward, watching the scene with entertainment.
"Oh no. I.. I'm fine I have plenty." He tried defending mom. Clearly not wanting to be involved or start any trouble for anyone. She took off her sunglasses once more, leaning closer to him.
"Excuse me?" He looked scared, trying not to back away from her.
"I-- I might have, uh, drinken some." He admitted. I tried so hard not to laugh as this unfolded.
"Thank you. May I have your canteen, please?" He handed it to her while mom shook his head in defeat.

 May I have your canteen, please?"  He handed it to her while mom shook his head in defeat

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"Oh god." She walked up to him, and shook the bottle around.
"Can ya hear the empty space?" He nodded less impressed.
"Yes, I can hear." He almost snapped. Mr Sir danced in place, almost taunting mom.
"Fill it. If that's too much trouble, you can grab a shovel and Caveman here can fill the canteens." She said shoving the bottle at him. I turned back, looking for Zero ignoring the looks I got from the others. My eyes landed on him and smiled at him as his eyes turned to me. He gave the slightest of a smirk back, going back to watching the scene. The lady suddenly turned back to us, taking a few steps forward.
"Isnt there a girl here?" She suddenly asked. My smile dropped and I ducked into my hole. I heard a few of the others give a quiet chuckle.
"Damn." I mumbled quietly before standing back up and raised my hand too her.
"Ah, there you are. Nice to officially meet you, what are they calling you? Red?" I nodded to her.
"Yes they do." She hummed in question at the name, a breathless chuckle with it. Maybe finding it funny, since she actually had red hair.
"Interesting." She mumbled.
"Alright, Armpit, Squid! Get them wheelbarrows out of the truck!" Mr Sir ordered.
"Zero, you take care of X-Ray's hole. Caveman well assist you.... We're gonna dig this dirt twice.
"Y'all be good now, ya hear?" X-Ray taunted as he rode back to camp.
"Get 'C' and 'F' over here!" The Warden yelled, Mr Sir parroting all of her orders. They ended up moving everyone closer towards the hole X-Ray had been digging in. Clearing away all the dirt surrounding it. Everyone doing whichever section they were told to do.
"Come on, boys, let's see it."
"Use those muscles."
"Keep it up, keep it up."
"This is a special today. I got a good feeling about today."
"There you go. I'm feeling some double shower tokens, boys."
"They'll be stakes for dinner tonight." Magnet turned to me with a big smile on his face.
"Don't forget the deal, Red." I smirked at him rolling my eyes. By now we had made a giant circle, a dirt pillar in the middle. Boys, digging dirt and other's scooping it out with metal bucket. My tent shoveled a section above the circle, working on widen it. Caveman wheeling the dirt back and forth to be shifted. I stood between Magnet and Zigzag, each of us huffing as we shoveled.
"You're doing fine. No hurry. We don't wanna miss anything."
"Pick up every rock now." I rolled my eyes at their constant orders, wanting to just be done now.

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They call her, Red || ZigzagWhere stories live. Discover now