Love Dice

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"Zoisite quietly tiptoed into Kunzite-sama's room. The young uke was desperate for his senpai's undivided attention. But how would he obtain this goal? Zoisite, defeated, hung his head in shame and teleported back to his own quarters. He flopped on the bed, worn out. It didn't take long for the younger Tennou to fall asleep."
"Zoisite was in a dark room. He couldn't even see his hand in front of him. Confused, he backed up against the wall and prayed for his mentor to come and rescue him. Feeling panicked, Zoisite was determined to find a way out of this trap. Feeling around, he felt his foot knock something over. He perked up and grabbed the object. Objects, that was. There was one, two- three? Zoisite looked for more, but couldn't find any. Suddenly, the room was blindingly bright! He looked down at the small things in hand, which seemed to be the source of the light. He could finally see what they were! ... Dice? Zoisite examined them, and found they each had a little message. "Rub My" ... "Face" ... "On the Floor?" The small teenager looked up in confusement. Out of nowhere, (and frankly, it scared the living crap out of Zoisite), he heard Metalia's voice. "Zoisito-Kun. These magical dice are the key to what you want most.", the demon boomed."
"Startled, Zoisite woke up. He had a strange urge to open his dresser. There, he found the three dice from his dream, along with a note that simply read, "
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) -Metalia." Zoisite knew what he had to do in his heart. Gathering all the courage in his tiny, feminine body, he opened his door and located Kunzite. Staring him dead in the eye, Zoisite walked up to the (much) older man, took his hand and placed the dice in his palm. "It says it all," he whispered. Kunzite read the message inserted in his tanned fingers, and looked up at his little student with tears in the corners of his eyes. "Yes, my dear Kouhai," he spoke dreamily, "I will rub your face on the floor."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2015 ⏰

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