Art contest entry + Gifts

537 47 44

Edit: (2nd Oct) Looking back, I really think that these weren't my best artworks. I've got no idea why all of you have been so supportive, voting on every chapter and putting comments that made my day. Thank you so much!! <33

For some of those who have first flipped open this art book, more better-quality art can be found in the last few chapters. Seeya in the comments!! :D

Hi! Thanks for flipping open my art book <33

Contest entry for silver_draws:

Shading? Lighting? What is that?

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Shading? Lighting? What is that?

I know it's not good TnT
The shading and the lighting took me half an hour, as ridiculous as this sounds xD
It was my first time doing it though, so I still think it's still alright. :D

Hope you like it, Silver! XD

(Btw, did I mention Silver is an amazing, absolutely underrated artist who deserves way more attention? Yes? Then go follow her right now! :DDDDD)


Gifts! Gracious, I just really love gifting! Unfortunately, because of my limited time I couldn't do much TnT
Yet this time it's an exception: it's my friends birthday! 

Go wish SnowCloudofIceClan an early happy birthday! Her big day's on Wednesday, I am sure she would love to hear your wishes <3333

Tag her and wish her a 'Happy Birthday' here -->

And my gifto to her UwU:

And my gifto to her UwU:

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I hope you like it, it's not that good 😅 😅 😅

And ahhhhh thank you SO MUCH for flipping open my art book! My art is really, really bad, forgive me TwT

If you've any suggestions for them, please do tell me! Thank you so much in advance!! <333

~Silver :3

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