Chapter 21

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As soon as i said that, Yoongi let out a huff. "I-it's too soon to reveal your true identity, Jimin-ah." I raised a brow.

"How so?"

"W-well, there are still bullies out there and I think your mission isn't complete yet." He answered. I ruffled his hair and I smiled.

"All will be well when I'll reveal myself. And besides, they were 85% out of 100% bullies before. They were so manyyy compared to now. My conclusion is that, I think it's only 5 % now. I checked all the CCTV's baby. I have many eyes in this school. I hired a lot of students, each classrooms, each clubs, to keep an eye on those bullies. 5% is small, baby, I can handle that. Don't worry, okie?" I said.

He sighed. "That's not I'm worried about..." I was about to ask what is but the school bell rang indicating that it's time for recess.

All the students squealed because i think they're hungry lmao. I grabbed Yoongi's hands and pulled it as we go to the cafeteria. As we entered the said place, all the students are perfectly lined to get our food that made me proud of myself. No pushing, no cursing, no bullying. We joined the line and waited for out turn. As we were waiting, I noticed someone was annoying a junior high school. And that someone is a fucking senior bitch. Ugh, my blood boiled as i was about to confront that bitch but Yoongi stopped me.

"Calm down, Minnie. Let me handle this." He said as he quickly went to them. I can hear their conversation since it's not that far from me. "Hello fellow Senior. Do you have the right to bully this innocent Junior? Are you the one feeding her? Are you the one who pays her tuition? Are you her fucking father?" He snarled as I smirked BECAUSE I'M FUCKING PROUD OF HIM TF.

The senior then smirked and puts a hand on his waist and used his other hand to point his index finger to him. "Who are you to curse at me, huh? What are you-"

Yoongi's POV

"Who are you to curse at me, huh? What are you-" he was cut off by Carl, our President.

"Hello, Mr. Jang. I am the class President of our section, and this fellow gentleman here is my Vice President. I am also a Vice President of the whole school and I have the rights to put you in the Principal's office because of these actions of yours. Mr. P.J.M will give you consequences if you violate our school rules. He has the power to expell you, after all, you are a scholar, right? If you don't want your scholarship to be taken away..." Carl went closer to him and he bent down because Carl was 5 inches taller than him. "Then be a good student." He smiled to him and he pulled my hand as we exited the Cafeteria.

As we were walking, I looked at our hands. I suddenly remembered JIMIN! Fuck, fuck, fuck. "U-uhh, C-Carl. I think I should go back n-now."

He stopped walking. "You know Yoongi? You should stop confronting those kind of people because they're dangerous. Just leave it to us, okay? We can handle those shits." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What do you mean 'us'? Who, W-what? Do you mean?"

"I know who's P.J.M, okay? He's my friend, a very close of mine and he trusts me enough to handle those bullies. Some of those bullies, Yoongi, are fucking murderers but can't be arrested because of lack of evidences. So be careful." He said as I looked at his eyes. It was full of sincerity and I just know he's telling the truth.

"About P.J.M, is it true he'll move to L.A if he finishes his mission?" He sighed.

"About that, Yoongi.."

"Min fucking Yoongi." My heart jumped as I turned my head to see who it was. Park Jimin!


"Hey, Carl. Get your hands away from my boy-"

"What do you mean 'my'? Get away from me, Jimin. You're just using me for you to get out of this shitty place, right? After your mission, you'll fly to L.A, right?!" I shouted. "Don't talk to me ever again, Jimin." I left them there. I was expecting him to follow me and stop me, but nothing.

Jimin's POV

I just stood there, shocked. I looked at Carl and grabbed his collar. "What the fuck did you say to him?!!!"

He tried to get off from my grip but didn't accomplish. "I s-said n-nothing, Jimin! I swear! He just asked me about that issue but I didn't answer him because you came! I swear!" I calmed down and released him. "Are y'all a thing??? Heck, man."

"Well, not anymore."

I'm going to their house to explain everything to him. He deserves an explanation.

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