Chapter 9

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"Lisa, is it true that Jungkook moved to your apartment?”

Upon hearing that, Lisa spurted out the tea she was drinking. She coughed a couple of times before directing her gaze at the source of that voice with narrowed eyes.

Chaeyoung, who was eating her after-meal pudding, tilted her head in puzzlement.

The two were having lunch at the company cafeteria. The floor was covered with wood tiles and the walls were painted white. Trendy music played in the background throughout the open space with massive windows. Perhaps to accommodate most of the employees, there were plenty of seats available. The large desk was occupied by the Planning Department for their lunch meeting.

Luckily no one was seated in their vicinity. No one surely heard what Chaeyoung said earlier as well as their conversation from then on.

Despite knowing that, Lisa still lowered her voice to a whisper and asked.

“From whom did you hear that…?”

It’s only been a week since Jungkook moved. It’s a little unbelievable to have it leaked so fast. It’s unlikely that Jungkook would say anything himself so could anyone have seen him going home to the apartment? Lisa listened intently as she expected that.

“I heard it from a friend in the General Affairs Department.” Chaeyoung replied along with a heart gesture.

Hearing that the source was the General Affairs Department, Lisa could surmise what happened. Someone in the department saw Jungkook’s change of address and noticed that it was the same apartment as hers and told Chaeyoung about it.

She’s very kind and amiable, and office gossip spreads like wildfire. Despite being a little wary of the information gathering ability of her junior,Lisa pretended to be unaffected and continued eating her meal.

“So, is it true?”

Chaeyoung leaned in curiosity but Lisa shifted away from her a little.

“Well, it’s true but…”

“So it’s really true! Then, do you know his room number?”


There’s no way she could tell her it was next door to hers so Lisa's could only reply a mumble. Honestly, she didn’t know what to say.

Of course it should be kept a secret that they live next to each other but the risk might be bigger if she says she didn’t know and they were found out later.

“…How about you ask him directly?”

After she managed to say that, Chaeyoung immediately agreed with a resounding yes.

Lisa breathed out a sigh of relief at her response. She thought she could finally start eating properly again but Chaeyoung dropped another bomb.

“It might just be my imagination, but I think Jungkook likes you. What do you think?”

Lisa choked hard. The pasta she was trying to swallow got stuck in her throat. She gulped down water as fast as she could.

Seeing her coughing with tears forming in her eyes, Chaeyoung worriedly asked.

“That reaction… Could it be he already confessed? For real? But there’s no sweet atmosphere between you two.”

“W-Why would you think that..?”

As she tried to hide her slightly blushing cheeks, Lisa wanted to ask her to tone down her voice but Chaeyoung gave her a teasing smile and hurried on.

“Because if I think of it that way, everything that Jungkook has done in the last few days would make sense! Him seeking you out continuously during lunch and so on! Besides, Jungkook has been partial to you since before, hasn’t he?”

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