12: Alive

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Kichijōten sat delicately in her field of roses, picking one that was fully bloomed and as blood red as the marks that decorated her exposed, pale skin. She definitely was the living incarnation of beauty.

Calm. Level headed and strong.

In this case, unaccommodating.

"Isn't there anything you can do? Cant you use a reverse cursed technique or something?!" I ask. The woman only interrupted me, shaking her head. "I'm gravely sorry child. I do not possess the ability to use a reverse curse technique. There isn't anything I can do to bring your companion from his current state" She admits, never sparing me even a glance.

"Can't you like...turn some luck into healing?! Mom told me you-" I interject quickly with a compromise only to be cut off with "It only works on my vessel, Hikari." She says in a calm, even tone before she turned her head to face me. "I'm sorry Hikari. But as I said...there is nothing I can do, Child."

I open my eyes to the Morgue's cold, white tiles with bright fluorescents above us to provide light. Tears start to sting my eyes as her words settle. Gojo, beside me, was silent with Assistant Director Ichiji standing by us.

"Alright you three, I'm about to get started" Miss Shoko announces. My head raised to see her standing by him. "Are you guys gonna watch from over there?"

That's the last thing I wanna do.

I was going to get up to leave when I saw movement behind Miss Shoko. I froze as I watch him lazily sit up straight, like he just woke up from a nap.

A quiet gasp escaped my lips.

"Woah. I'm completely naked under here" He bluntly admits with a laugh, lifting the white sheet across his lower half.

I was already across the room, throwing my arms around him to pull him in a hug, knocking him off balance a bit as he laughs "Woah".

I had so much to say. I'm sorry I wasn't there. I'm sorry I didn't protect you from Sukuna. I'm so happy you're alive. How are you alive?! The words couldn't make it past the sob I released from my chest.

I felt his hand soothed across my back as his face bury into the crook of my neck. "I'm okay Hikari" He assures in a whisper. I pull him closer, tighter, hoping to God that he won't disappear the moment I let him go. "You didn't lose me".

His reassuring words are exactly what I needed to hear.


"How can he be alive Kich? Is whatever happened to him permanent?" I ask.

She plucked a rose from the dirt and set it in the growing pile next to her. "I do not possess knowledge of that Hikari. Many things can factor into the revival of your companion. My guess being likely he created a binding vow with his curse and was revived as a condition of the contract. And if Yuji pushes the contract, his curse has more than enough reason to make his revival temporary." She explains.

"Is it possible for Sukuna to force Yuji into one? Im sure Yu doesnt even know what a vow even is" I ask. A binding vow, and one with Sukuna of all people, is dangerous.

"It can be deemed possible with someone like your companion Hikari" She admits, meeting her pitch black eyes with mine.

"Are you hungry Hikari?" I hear him announce. I snap back to reality, looking up to find him looking back at me. He cocked an eyebrow at my reaction.

"You okay?" He asks with a chuckle, slowing to a stop.

"Yeah! I'm fine. Just...lost in thought."

He stood silent for a second, debating if he wanted to push for the truth. His hand, the one that was lifeless not even a couple hours ago, took mine and gently rubbed its thumb over my knuckles. "What's up?" He asks, quieter.

I sigh quietly as I shy away from his concerned look. "While you were....dead....did you talk to Sukuna at all?" I ask.

He hummed, turning his head as he thought of answer, "hm. Yeah. I think we talked about something but I can't remember really...". He turned to look at me again. "Why?".

"Just...wanted to know" I admit, slipping my hand from his and crossing my arms tightly across my chest as if I was cold. "Come on. Let's go get some pizza" I say with a fake smile.

"Hikari. What's going on? You're being quiet" He says.

I turn to start walking off to a nearby restaurant with him in a close pace next to me. We walked in silence and quickly made it to our destination but before I go in, Yuji stopped in front of the door.

"Hikari. Please talk to me" He quietly begs, taking my hand.

"I'm glad you're alive Yuji. I'm overly relieved that I didn't lose you." I say. He remained silent, looking relieved he finally got me talking. "But the method that probably brought you back and whatever you talked to Sukuna with while you were out isn't good news. I'm scared to say the least about what came out of that conversation."

"Whatever it is, I'm sure we can handle it" He says.

"But what if we can't, Yu? First Sukuna takes advantage of you and kills you mercilessly. And then all of a sudden, he just revives you out of the goodness of his heart with zero conditions at all? That doesn't make sense Yuji. It sounds like he's planning something big. And something dangerous." I say. I squeeze his hand. "Its scaring me Yuji."

"Itll be okay Hikari. I'll make it okay" He says. "No matter what."

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