4. "I Didn't See You, Aiden Woods!"

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"What was he doing at my party?" Aria pondered aloud as she again glanced at his smirking face in the photograph. She didn't realize she'd been holding it until now. "Has he already seen me there? Did he know that the party was for me? Of course not! He might not even remember me? Even if he did, I am not sure he'd ever think of meeting me." She answered herself as she heaved a sigh.

Considering the fact that she took a while to recollect about his existence, he might never be able to do the same. Composing herself, Aria lifted herself as she fished everything inside in haste and made her way towards her bed.

Her mind was definitely in chaos. She realizes it now as she groans finding the photograph still in her hand. She forgot to keep it back from where she'd taken it out. Wearily, she placed it on the bedside table. She shifted comfortably, wishing to find a good sleep at least now since the mystery of the familiar, all but forgotten guy, Aiden Woods.

Just like she had wished, she did manage to find a peaceful sleep, but not before thinking about him again for one last time for the day or she should say, night!

Aria woke up suddenly, every thought that she'd kept in mind last night resurfacing inside her brain in high definition. From not wishing to be with Ethan to finding Aiden Woods in her party and it ended with her opening the old stuff only to drift back in the past and many other thoughts that are impossible to name or ignore.

Aria's eyes take in every ray of light and without a doubt, she could realize that she'd slept for too long. The noises outside her windows screamed inside her ears, letting her know about her behind schedule. Not wasting a single more moment, she dragged herself out of her cozy bed. Usually she's the kind of person who'd be patient with her everyday routine, but like a robot, she continued with getting ready as soon as possible. Finishing it soon, she hits the road that brings her towards her destination.

Being late wasn't familiar at all for Aria. And today, just because she'd spotted someone familiar last night, not to forget, from her past - it became the sole reason that she'd been arriving that late. The moment she stepped out of her car, her phone beeped, making her curse. Immediately fishing it out, she answered it. It was Ellie.

"What's the matter with you?" She asked rather demandingly. Aria sarcastically responds, "I am fine. Just a bit late. That's all. Thank you."
"Exactly. I do not remember you being this late!" She exclaimed in a small voice.
"Guess what? I've already started," Aria shrugged, "But why are you whispering?"
"You might definitely want to know who showed up in your office!" She exclaimed, surprise clearly visible from her tone.

"Is it a guy?" Aria questioned her.
"How do you know?" Ellie asked back.
"Guys interest you. I know that, Ellie."
"No, silly. Listen to me. He's the one -" Ellie could not finish as she meddled.
"Can we do this he's the one for me shit later when we're done with our targets for today? I am almost there. Expect me in 10 seconds." Without hearing anything else, Aria disconnected the call.

She glanced at her wrist watch and it reminded her about her meeting with Mrs. Throne. "Damn! I'd promised her to get her work done by today. So much to work on. No time for Aiden Woods! Aria, focus!!" She lectured herself right before entering inside her office.

"Ellie, has Mrs. Throne called," she asked, her vision on her phone as she finally looked up and upon noticing someone's presence, she gaped at her assistant, uncertainty suddenly kicking in, "Oh! We already have someone?"

Ellie pressed her lips as she nodded. Taking in a deep breath, Aria started to speak and at the same time, forwarded her steps towards her chair as she could not see the visitor. "I am sorry I am a bit late than usual and - " the moment she'd seen the person, every wisp of air escaped her lungs.

Aria glanced at the person sitting there with wode eyes. Her face frozen. She blinked her eyes, trying to suck the reality. Was she hallucinating? Or was he already there? The one that she'd been thinking about, sacrificing her peace, sleep and wondering about stuff that she couldn't control and what not - he's effortlessly sitting there with no hesitation and doubt and not to forget with a friendly smile on his beautiful face whilst she simply stood there unable to even flinch!? Was this God's idea of joke?

"Hi," he spoke fir the first time. After what felt like forever, he let her hear his voice. "Aiden Woods." His eyes stayed locked in hers. This was true. So many questions flashed inside her mind at once. Aria didn't know how she was supposed to feel. Angry? Sad? Delighted?

Ellie cleared her throat, intending to grab her out of her shocked state and she managed as well. Ultimately right after few more seconds of perplexity, she thought to speak. Not wanting her voice to come out hoarsely, she cleared her throat first, then she carefully uttered in a normal voice, "Aria Wright."

His eyes still looked hers with the same smile as he expressed his next words. "I know. I remember you." The moment she'd heard him say that, a cold, tingling kind of numbness spread across her forehead. She couldn't bring herself to utter a word because it felt as if her muscles in her mouth refused to co-operate.

"What do I react?" She inwardly questioned herself, "What am I supposed to speak?"

Aria's backside found the chair. Finally, she got her mouth to work again, "You are Aiden Woods," she was surprised by the hoarseness of her own voice, "You seem familiar."

If that wasn't the most immature response, then Aria doesn't know what else was. She mentally slapped herself fir being so apparent about her surprised condition. Her mind was stressed, continuously being in daze and looking at him left her unaided and uncertain. She shifted her vision everywhere else inside her offuce room and that's when she realised, Ellie had already left them alone.

"Traitor." She mumbled to herself.

"You looked beautiful last night." Ah! There we go. Another set of shock. He continued, "I noticed you the moment you'd walked in."

"Oh! You did?" She exclaimed, "Thank you. I didn't realise you did. What a surprise!" Aria knew she was being totally like a freak by now. The unsurety in her words was clear to explain him about her clueless situation.

"I had no idea you'd be sitting there." She blurted but bit her bottom lip. "I mean I didn't see you, Aiden Woods."

"You sure did, Aria Wright."
"No, I didn't," she defensively responded.
"Well, whatever helps you sleep at night, but you actually did."

Suddenly, Aria felt the need to fill something down her throat.
"What would you like to have? A lemonade?"

Damn! How many set of embarrassments in a day, Aria! She cursed herself mentally. It was completely fine if she remembered his favourite refreshment but in no way it was necessary to let him know such tiny detail.

Upon glancing at him, she knew. She spotted him pass a knowing smile.

"I don't drink lemonade anymore."
Aria gave him a smile as if no big deal. "Oh!" Averting her gaze away from him, she grabbed the glass of water in front of her and gulped the entire thing down in one go.

"Are you alright, Aria?" He asked with concerned voice.
"Oh yes. Just skipped my brunch, that is all." She responded. She couldn't ignore the way her name started to sound in his voice.

Aria! Focus! Do not fall in his tactics again! She reminded herself.


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