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(tw! This one includes sh!)
3rd person pov:

"god damnit Neil can't you just leave me alone for 5 fucking minutes?!" max shouted. "max please just fucking tell me!" Neil said. Max and Neil were arguing with eachother. The whole camp was standing around them and watching what has happening. "NEIL IT'S NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS." max yelled. He was obviously mad. "MAX IT'S NOT THAT HARD JUST LET ME HELP YOU." Neil now yelled too obviously getting mad too. "I DON'T NEED YOUR DAMN HELP FOR CHRIST'S SAKE." max yelled. "JESUZ CHRIST MAX WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?! THIS IS EXACTLY WHY YOUR PARENTS DIDN'T COME TO PARENTS DAY. AND THIS IS EXACTLY WHY YOUR PARENTS DON'T.CARE.ABOUT.YOU." Neil suddenly blurted out. Neil quickly covered his mouth but it was too late. The damage had been done. Max looked shocked. The campers did too. "M-max i-i-" Neil said but was quickly cut off as a big slap suddenly hit his face. "fuck you Neil. Fuck. You." max said in a raspy voice as if he was struggling to hold back tears. Which he was. Neil wanted to say something again but received another hard slap from max, who walked away from him. The walking quickly turning into running and he ran into their tent. Neil just stared at the ground in shock of what he said. Guilty about it. "Neil you went too fa- wait Neil.?" Nikki said walking towards Neil. Neil had tears in his eyes and was shaking like crazy. "i-I didn't mean to say that..i-i didn't mean to..i-i swear.." Neil mumbled under his breath. "Neil..what you said was wrong and too far. But you need to go to max and apologize for it. Not have a panic attack. Take some deep breaths in and out." ered told the brunette. And he did as told. Neil took some deep breaths and managed to calm down and stop shaking. He wiped off his tears and took another deep breath. Then he left to their tent.

What happened with max:

Neil wanted to say something again but received another hard slap from max, who walked away from him. The walking quickly turning into running and he ran into their tent. As soon as he arrived in their tent he quickly went over to his backpack and grabbed something from out of a little secret pocket. He took it and put it in his hoodie pocket. Then he walked out and looked to see if the coast was clear so nobody would see him. The coast was clear and he quickly ran into the woods. He stopped at a big tree not so far from camp. He sat down against the tree and curled up into a ball with his head between his knees. The boy was overwhelmed with emotions and started sobbing lightly. He cried for a while still being careful of his surroundings so nobody would see him. After a while he decided to reach into his pocket and took out what he had taken out of his backpack earlier.
A boxcutter.
He mumbled some stuff to himself and took off his hoodie. Both of the ravenette's upper, lower arms and wrists were covered in old cuts that have recently turned into scars. He made the little razor come out of the boxcutter and held it against his lower arm. "just one..that'll be fine right..? They'll never know.." he mumbled to himself.


And with just a quick swipe, a new line had formed. But he didn't do as he told himself he would do.
One turned into two.
Two turned into three.
Three turned into four.
Four turned into five.
Five turned into six.
Six turned into seven.
Seven turned into eig-
"..MAX?! MAX WHERE ARE YOU?!" a familiar voice yelled. "shit. Neil." max thought to himself as he quickly got up and ran a bit deeper into the woods. Unknowingly leaving a little trail of blood that dripped from his arms. He quickly climbed in a tree and continued his doing.
And continuing on.

What happened with neil:

He walked into their tent to apologize. "hey max..i wanted to say sorry for earlier an- wait. Max.?" the brunette said when he noticed his best friend wasn't in the tent with him. He looked around the tent but figured out he must be in the woods. He ran out the tent into the woods and searched for max."..MAX?! MAX WHERE ARE YOU?!" he yelled but no answer. He kept searching for the young boy and found a little blood trail at a tree where Max's hoodie was laying on the ground. He picked up Max's hoodie and followed the blood trail for a while and came to a stop. "max are you somewhere over here.? Why was there a trail of blood leading this way.?" Neil asked. "it's none of your damn business Neil. What are you going to do huh? Say more shit about how my parents don't fucking care about me?" he heard a voice say from the tree he was standing under. "max can you please come down?" Neil asked. Knowing that if he came down Neil would see his arms no matter how he would try to hide it as the cuts and scars were all over and around his arms. And putting on his hoodie to cover it also wasn't an option since he left it when he ran away. "no." max simply replied. Neil noticed Max's leg dangling from the tree. The tree wasn't that high so he decided to pull his leg down. Max got pulled out of the tree and landed straight onto Neil. "NEIL WHAT THE FUCK?!" max shouted as he quickly got up startled. Neil quickly got up aswell. "MAX I'M SO SOR-..wait..max..?" he said as he only now noticed the boys arms. Max quickly realized what Neil saw and was about to run away from him again but just as he was about to run he suddenly got pulled into a big embrace from behind. "..max..I'm sorry..i didn't mean to say that..please.." Neil said with a shaky voice. The embrace didn't feel forced. It felt...Comfortable..

Max couldn't get a word out of his mouth and just stayed silent. "why..?" Neil finally asked. Max just stared at the ground. "..I'm..sorry...neil.. But I can't tell you.." max answered. "'s because of what I said isn't it..the new ones.." Neil said. Max just nodded. "max I'm sorry..i promise you I'll help you with don't need to tell me why you did it for the other scars.." Neil said in a calm, comforting voice still embracing the ravenette. Max finally turned around and returned the embrace. The 2 males stayed like that for a while. Comfortable in each other's embrace. Max eventually let go of the brunette and looked him in the eyes. "Neil.? You won't be telling anyone about this right..?" max asked. Neil just smiled softly at him and replied. "if it makes you feel comfortable I won't tell anyone. My mouth is shut". Max smiled at him when Neil suddenly stepped closer to him. He carefully took Max's arm and gave a kiss on his cuts. Max was expecting it to sting but it didn't. It felt, rather comfortable and soft. Max's face grew red in a short amount of time. Neil handed max his hoodie back and he put it back on. Neil sat down against the tree and max did too. When Neil Was staring at the sky max decided that now was one of his only Chances to do what he wanted to do. So he scooted closer to neil and rested his head on Neils shoulder. Neil didn't expect that and looked at max. Max wast looking at him, he was just staring into the woods as Neil could see his eyes slowly closing. Falling asleep on him. Neil smiled softly and ruffled Max's hair. He picked him up and gave him a quick kiss on his forehead. Max smiled softly and leaned into Neil's chest. The brunette walked back to camp with the sleeping boy in his arms. When he arrived he didn't arrive at the tents as he expected but at the activity field. Where everyone was waiting for the 2. Except the councilors cause they were in their cabin. The camp noticed Neil arriving and soon noticed the sleeping boy in his arms. "oh my God. IS THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENING?!" Preston yelled out of excitement. They all ran towards Neil fangirling and stuff. "can you all shut up?! You're going to wake him up." Neil said. They all backed off and went silent. "I'm going to bring max to the tent" Neil said as he walked to their tent. Ofcourse the others followed to see what would happen and decided to spy on them. Neil gave max another quick kiss on his forehead before setting him down on his bed. He was about to turn around and leave when he got pulled onto the bed. Max had managed to grab Neil's arm and pulled the nerd into the bed with him. Neil was startled at first but quickly calmed down when he felt the ravenette snuggle closer to him. He smiled softly and put his arm around max. He gave max another quick kiss on his forehead and embraced max a little tighter. The little boy smiled softly again and Neil soon fell asleep embracing the ravenette.
Sleeping, like nothing had happened that day.

(it's been a while since I made a one-shot lol)
(what happened with the others? They all fangirled while ered filmed the whole thing)

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