Chapter 5

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Trevon Carter

"My son is applying for colleges," Debbie said. We were on our lunch break and the four of us - Debbie, Mario, Jim and myself - had gone to the little deli down the street to eat. "He told me unequivocally he does not want to attend the same university I did. I didn't have the heart to tell him he couldn't get into my alma mater. He's not that smart and even if he was, he doesn't have the grades for it."

"That's not nice to say about your own son," Mario said.

"But it's true," she said. She sighed. "I don't know. Maybe he would be better off as a football coach or something."

"Are you stereotyping that football coaches are dumb?" I asked. "Because I have a friend who eventually wants to be a professional soccer coach and he is one of a few of my friends who can understand me when I start using science terms and discuss my work." Alex would be the other one. Mateo too to some extent, but he quickly got bored whenever I started discussing work and his eyes would glaze over. I was sure if he didn't get bored, he could understand me too.

"Well," Debbie said, "he might be the exception."

"I don't know about that," I said.

My phone dinged with a text. I pulled it out of my pocket.

Janelle: You're coming tonight?

Mario and Jim were quick to pick up where I left off making Debbie finally agree with us as I responded to Janelle.

Me: I'll be there.

Janelle: And you're taking me out to eat after the performance?

Me: Yes.

Janelle: Great. See you then.

I turned my attention back to my colleagues. The conversation had moved away from Debbie's son to Jim's daughter. Soon our lunch break was over and we walked back to work.

Thoughts about Janelle and our date tonight left my mind as I worked. When the work day was over, I headed home. I showered and got dressed in a nice suit. I looked up the directions to the location of the performance tonight even though I also planned to use GPS. I liked to look ahead of time to have an idea of when I needed to make turns so I wouldn't be caught off guard. I stopped on the way to get flowers. They weren't flowers of love and affection like the ones I sent to Arthur. These were more to congratulate her on a job well done. I got her yellow roses. For a brief moment I was reminded of Alice. Yellow roses were the last flowers I had gotten her before our breakup. I regretted ever getting together with her even though it was only for a brief time. I couldn't even say that I met Arthur because of her. I was pretty sure without knowing her, I still would have gone to a ballet performance at some point and seen Arthur dance. I would have been mesmerized by him then just as I was the first time I had seen him. But if I had never dated her, she would never have poisoned Arthur and almost killed him. Arthur and I didn't really talk about her much. I wasn't sure if he followed what was currently happening with her or not.

In the end, she had been charged with attempted first degree murder but also diagnosed with mental issues that sent her to a mental facility. I had kept tabs on her. Well, mostly through my sisters' connections. I didn't think I was really supposed to know. For a while it had seemed like she was getting better and would serve out the rest of her time in prison. Then she had grown attached to one of the security guards. It came as a complete surprise to him when he found out that she was treating him like she had treated me because he hardly had any interactions with her. I was ashamed to say I was glad it seemed she had forgotten about me. At least that meant that Arthur was alright, although the same couldn't be said for those around the security guard. At least Alice was locked up and they all knew what she was capable of.

Stepping Through Science (MxM)(Sequel to Equations of Dance)Where stories live. Discover now