Chapter 1

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Continue your journey


In the crime city of Manhattan. A city where theives lurk in the dark and that crispy smell of alcohol as gangs drink and smoke in alleys that gives you the tingles.


"Ahhhh, dumb alarm clock! " Ava whined " waking people up and ruining their dreams". She angrily hit the alarm clock to the point of it smashing to a million pieces.

Ava stared at the alarm clock in utter annoyance" Damn it! Now I've gotta buy a new one". She paused to the sweet aroma of food.

"Hmmm, what's cooking?"

Ava quickly rushed down the stairs

" Hey gal" Emily greeted as she ran around the kitchen like she was in all these Cook or Die TV shows where the judges have strict looks on their faces(You get what I mean?)

Ava breathed in the aroma" Yum, What's cooking? "

" Nothing much. Just my amazing, greatest homemade lasagnia" Emily bragged.

"Lasagnia? It's still so early" Ava complained.

She hated eating lunch for breakfast. it just wasn't right.

"Don't blame me" Emily argued " I wasn't the one who ate all the leftovers last night"

"Lemme guess. It was Nathan, right?"

"You guessed correctly" Emily aproved" That boy has gotta learn how to control his stomach urges"

Ava nodded in agreement

Just as they where chit chatting. A black thick cloud started emmiting from the oven beside Ava.

"OM-GOSH" Emily screamed "Fire, Fire, Fire"

Before Ava could realize it the black smoke had already entered her lungs and she began gasping for air.

"Ava!" Emily yelled. She took her away from the fire" are you OK? Can you breathe? "

Ava tried to speak but all that came out was a whizzing sound which meant she was still gasping for air.

Emily stood in horror as the fire spreaded from appliance to appliance

She tried stopping the fire with water but it only rised higher.

Emily being out of options screamed for help " HELP! ANYONE! HELP!"

"Get the fire extinguisher" Ava managed to blurt out

Emily on hearing Ava raced to the extinguisher.

But on Emily doing that a huge white cloud covered the kitchen. It quenched the fire and let out a loud sound "Pshhhhhh"

Emily and Ava both froze in astonishment as the fire that was just thhere a second ago had vanished into thin air. They turn around only to see nerdy, glasses Evan holding a fire extinguisher.

" Phew. That was a close one" Evan felt relieved.

"Evan! "Emily screamed" your a life saver " Emily ran up to him and gave him a huge hug.

" Your awesome"
"Your amazing"
"Your so strong and brave"

A wide grin formed on Evan's face as Emily hugged and praised him.

"Evan!" Ava screamed "your a dumbass! "Ava ran up too him and kicked him in the nuts.

"Your a creep! "
"Your a Moron! "
"Your a wierdo! "

"You couldn't come sooner?! " Ava fumed" couldn't you hear Emily's scream for help!? "

"Ava calm down" Emily tried to relax her

Evan could not speak. He dropped to his knees as a result of the pain.

"I'm sorry" Evan muttered

Ava ignored him and rolled her eyes

What bothered Emily most was the huge mess in the kitchen and the damages the fire had caused.

"Don't bother yourself too much about it "Ava said "Evan's cleaning and Nathaniel is paying for the damages". Ava leaned on a wall as she popped a cigarette into her mouth and lit it.

"What!?I'm not cleaning up this mess" Evan disapproved "I wasn't the one making Lasagnia and burnt the whole kitchen. No offense Emily"

"And I ain't paying a cent" Nathan argued as he appeared out of the back door.

"Well, well, well you finally show up when  your deed has been done" Ava gave out a short laugh.

"I don't know what the fuck your yamming about but you don't make the rules around here" Nathan snapped as he narrowed his eyes at Ava.

"Boo-hoo. I'm sooo scared" Ava mocked

Nathan tried to reply back but Emily cut him off.

"It's s enough" Emily yelled "everyone's putting an equal share into repairing the damages" and with that she walked out

"Fair enough" Evan agreed

"Then who's cleaning up the kitchen? "Nathan queried

"Not me!" they all yelled and ran out at the same time leaving the kitchen mess to see another day


Was it good?
Was it bad?

Tell me in the comments.

800 words, that's huge y'all have gotta give me credit for that. It's the longest I've written in a chapter.


-Manhattan is not actually a crime city. It's rather peaceful

-Nathan is short for Nathaniel

I'm tired
Bye Yummies


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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