Chapter 4

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While preparing breakfast for her husband and children, Madelyn Raikes couldn't help but notice the growing police presence in her new neighbors' front yard. Three black cars had come up the hill and parked near the large willow tree by Gwen Warner's door. 

Out of those cars came three detectives dressed in suits and sunglasses. They each walked with the solemn gait of an investigator, and while one made a beeline for the influencer's front door, the others split off, scanning the ground for clues.

Clues to what?

Gwen was curious, from how she dressed to the visceral reaction she inspired in Bethany the night before. And though Madelyn and Lester agreed to ground their daughter for two days in response to the blow-up, a strange feeling lingered.

Philip, Gwen's assistant, seemed kind enough. He defended his young charge, but perhaps he'd only done so because she signed his paychecks? Madelyn turned down the flame on the stove but kept her eyes on her neighbors' front porch, where Philip was now speaking to one of the suited men.

"Spying again?" 

Lester's voice caused his wife to jump.

"Can you blame me?" She replied. "It's the most interesting thing to happen to this town in a long time."

Lester leaned over his wife's left shoulder and hugged her from behind.

"Don't get yourself in a frenzy over this. Whatever crazy stalker thing that girl has going on is none of our business. And it'll stay that way as long as we keep our distance from those guys."

Madelyn sighed and shrugged her husband off of her. 

"Stalkers don't follow any real logic, Lester. What if he does come here and start causing trouble? What if he makes Beth his new target or something?"

"Then I'll gather Arnold and a few of the boys, and we'll go on a little... hunting trip."

"You couldn't kill a fly," she giggled, then sucked in a breath. "Speaking of Arnold -"

Now Lester's eyes were fixed on the Warner household as well. The black cars that once lined the driveway were gone, replaced with a simple farm boy and a bag full of dairy products. 

"What do you think he's doing over there?" Lester whispered. 

"Gathering intel, maybe? Who can say?"

The voice of a young boy broke their trains of thought.

"Mom! The eggs are burning!"

The couple's youngest child, still in his pajamas, stood before them. 

Flustered, Madelyn returned to her cooking as her two other children joined the rest of the family downstairs. 

"Did you want any eggs, Les?" She asked while re-doing the family's Sunday breakfast. 

"No thanks, ma'am. I'm already late for my daily finishing trip as it is. You guys enjoy, though!" 

He planted a quick kiss on his wife's cheek before motioning quickly to the scene outside the window. 

"And don't forget what we just talked about," he whispered. 

"Right," Madelyn confirmed. "Don't get involved."

The Raikes patriarch smiled and nodded to the gaggle of kids and made his way outside to gather his rod and tackle box. 

As he opened the backyard shed to take out what he needed, he heard the gentle footsteps of someone behind him. 

"Arnold!" He whipped around to see his neighbor's face. 

The young farmer nodded, then checked the area around him for more prying eyes. When he was content to find none, he finally responded.

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