The Fateful meeting.

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Rei Taylor POV :

Cashier : "Thanks for your purchase, come again!"

The over optimistic cashier said to me while waving.

I just look at him with my dead fish eyes before leaving without saying a word.

Ever since all my Waifu's got collected in Mudae, I've never been the same. Nor will I ever be.

Leaving the store, I'm met with the usual traffic near this busy street, Though one thing was different, There seemed to be a lot more trucks moving at speeds obviously beyond the speed limit.
Putting my hands on my chin, I blurt out something that could very well get me thrown in a mental asylum.

"Should I just let one of those trucks run me over?, I've got nothing to live for anyways."

"Please, Isekai God's. I want a cute Dragon Loli to fall inlove with me once I die."

Dropping my bag of groceries, I run at max speed towarda the the road filled with overspeeding trucks.


My body goes airborne as I ram straight into a building right after a truck rammed into me at full speed.

I could remember the agony and pain clearly, The feeling of death, it was painful.

And to be honest it might have aroused me a bit.. I never knew I was an M.

I smile one last time as the world slowly fades to black.


"I'm Alive?"

"Wait no, Scratch that thought of your mind Rei Taylor! I definitely died!"

"So, what is his place exactly?"

"I doubt that it's heaven Judging purely by its design"

"It's just an empty room with a giant door and a throne?"

"Hmm, How odd"


Beside the throne there was a weird, shiny rainbow coloured ball.

"Hmm? What's this thing?"

I slowly move my hand over to touch it, But as soon as I touch it I felt all my nerves being shocked by electricity!


*Pant* *Pant*

"I see how everything works now."


As soon as I say that a transparent screen appears.

I click status.

Hmm, My stats are quite high for a level 1 aren't they?

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Hmm, My stats are quite high for a level 1 aren't they?

Also, Archdemon? Demon Lord? It seems like I'm not human in this life, fortunately

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Also, Archdemon? Demon Lord? It seems like I'm not human in this life, fortunately.

What? Humans suck, change my mind.

Anyways putting that aside, let the majestic me explain everything to you idiots now.

I'm not actually a 'Demon Lord' I'm more of a Dugeon master.
It seems like the name 'Demon Lord' is more like another name that is used to refer to the poeple who manages the dungeons, Dungeon Masters.

Yeah, Those Dungeon Masters who spawn monsters and guard the treasures inside the Dungeon.

And just How'd you expect these Dungeon's work, They start out weak.

But the treasure here isn't gold or a legendary weapon.

It's The Dungeon Core, Yup! That's right that weird ball thing that I touched, Or is it more fitting to call it my Second Heart is the treasure, It's filled with immense amounts of mana that Humans seek.

Hah! Regulus Corneas has nothing on me now!

Anyways, if my second heart gets harvested or destroyed I die aswell, This works vice versa.

There is some other important stuff that I should probably mention, But who cares anyways!

For now! Let's head outside for this first day in a fantasy world!
The moment I stepped outside I'm met with a beautiful sight.

A grassland untouched by human hands, Nature peaking at its absolute maximum, Wind tickling my wings that I didn't know I even had.

Wait, Wings?!

Hmm, I wonder if I can use these to fly in this beautiful sky someday.

I take one step outside, And just like that my exploration came to a screeching Halt.

Becase an absurdly strong dragon, Might make me climax for death by beating the living daylights out of me.

"Wait a moment! I've come to bargain."

Dragon : "Bargain you say?!"

As I have expected, it has the ability to speak.
This is undoubtedly the dragon loli I was looking for.

And judging by its "Sweets Lover" Title I could easily bribe it do lewd things with me.

"Yes, I've noticed how much you like sweets from the smell of Honey coming of your mouth, So I over this!"

I hold up my hand revealing a lolipop.

Dragon : "What in the Heaven's is this smell?!"

The Dragons then proceeds to like the lolipop alongside my arm, which gave me a tingly feeling.

Dragon : *Dragon Moan*

"Hmm, It seems like you like it! Then I have one request and you could have all the lolipops you want!"

I'm risking my life for this!

Dragon : "All I want?! Name it! Anything!"

"Please show me your human form!"

The Dragon, without saying a word suddenly started emitting smoke.
As it clears out, What is revealed is a cute, Naked Dragon Loli. 

"Marry me please!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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