Chapter 10

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The Battle of Blackwater started.

Stannis's fleet could be seen in the river, sailing towards King Joffrey's once but was shocked when the king's fleet was not where it should be. The bells rang through the city as Stannis's ships were spotted on the river.

The guards escorted us with the Queen and her children to Maegor's Holdfast. It was a strut tower in the center of the Red Keep. It serves as a refuge for the royal party and the highborn ladies, in other words, the men must fight while the woman sits around praying.

"Y/n can you please just sit down," Sansa warned me as I walked back and forth. The sounds of the battle echoed through the room and the vibrations of the ships being blown up by wildfire could be felt.

"And do what Lady Sansa? Pray? To whom? The old or new gods? If there were any!" I hissed. A group of girls around Sansa's age sat in a circle, holding hands and praying for the battle to be over and King Joffrey to win. The girls stopped and stared at me like the other women.

"The gods will protect us and they care for us," Tommen replied. He sat next to the circle playing with some of his toys. I scoffed at the prince. If we were not in a war and circumstances were different I would have been sentenced to some kind of punishment for the way I spoke to these highborns.

"If they cared why do we have murder and rape and death to loved ones before their time? If they cared why do we have to fight for our survival while you lot are born into it?" Tears grew in the little prince's eyes. Before it fell, Sansa sat next to him rubbing his back. "She does not mean it, Prince Tommen. Y/n does believe in the gods and is going to pray with us, isn't she?"

Every highborn stared at me waiting to see my response even Shae and Ser Ilyn Payne. I sighed, grabbed the bottom of my dress, and sat down in the circle. Two girls placed their hands in mine, bowed their heads, eyes closed, and started praying.

Sansa left Tommen's side and entered the praying circle. That went on for a while. Cersei called Sansa over, patting the seat next to her and offering Sansa some wine. As she left I saw it was my queue to leave.

"Where are you going?" Shae stopped me by grabbing my arm as I made it to the door Ilyn Payne was guarding.

"I am going to fight."

"No, you are not." Cersei laughed. "Do you think I will let you go and kill my son?"

Another explosion could be heard.

"They can use more hands," I explained.

"Then chop off yours and send it to them." Shae pulled me away from the doors, and Cersei glared at me.

"I can not just sit here and do nothing, Shae!" I whispered. Screams could be heard.

The doors opened and Lancel Lannister ran inside, out of breath. He crawled towards Cersei, laying in front of her, she offered him wine, and he told us what happened. "Stannis... His forces... In the castle."

"How? I thought your defense was strong." I asked.

"Lord Tyrion is leading the defense. He destroyed many attacking ships with wildfire and forced Stannis to fight on land. They are going to kill you, my queen!" He panted.

As if Shae and I had the same idea, we grabbed Sansa and told her to go to her room. "Shae go with her." I was ready for a fight, but Shae told me I should go with Sansa. Running out of time, I pushed Sansa out of the bunker and made our way to her chamber.

"You go on, I have to get something quickly!" Turning left in the hall, I entered the armory.

Where can they be?

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