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"Why?" Kopa asked.

"I-I want to be a rouge.." Vitani lied.

"I can tell when your lying.." Kopa said.

"I am not allowed to tell you.." Vitani confessed.

"Why?" Kopa asked.

"Because I would die for you! And Zuri is lying to you she doesn't love you! I do! I love you.. I always have.. I wish you saw that before you picked her.." Vitani said.

"I didn't pick her.. She picked me.." Kopa said.

"What!" Vitani was loud and Zuri heard.

"Vitani don't shout!" Zuri growled and spoke "What did I tell you about being near him!"

"Don't go near him?" Vitani said before Zuri clawed her cheek. "OW!"

"Learn that as a warning!" Zuri roared.

"Stop Zuri! What are you doing!" Kopa yelled.

"Getting rid of this jerk! She wants to use you as hers because she is jelly of me and you!" She said lying.

"W-What! You lier tell him the truth! You only wanted him because he was becoming king!" Vitani growled.

"What a lier you are!" Zuri growled.

"Oh really.. Am I though?" Vitani said.

"My sister never lies!" Kovu growled and Nuka roared.

"What are you doing here!" Zuri commanded, but they ignored her.

"Kopa..." Vitani whispered.

"Shut up!" Zuri clawed her again but Nuka grabbed her. "Get off of me now before I rip your throat out!" Nuka got off scared.

"Zuri don't hurt him!" Vitani growled.

"Why not! He is weak! And brainless!" Zuri laughed.

"You little brat!" Vitani roared before clawing her paw.

"Heh.. You think you can control me!" Zuri said, "I am the fricken queen!"

"Not anymore!" Kopa roared.

"What! You can't do that!" Zuri yelled at him.

"Yes I can I am royal blood I can do what I please!" Kopa yelled back.

"Kopa don't please!" Zuri said.

"You are banished from the pridelands!" Kopa roared, "If anyone finds you they have my permission to kill you!" 

"You think I am leaving!" Zuri spat back, "I am taking my cubs then!" 

"They can choose!" Kopa said.

"Fine!" Zuri yelled. Their cubs were teens now and they all had a good connection with both of their parents.

Mbweha, Duma, Malkia, Moto were all playing together.

"Kids!" Kopa called.

"Yes father?" Duma asked.

Mbweha was a golden brownish pelt and had dark blue eyes she had a white underneath, paws, and muzzle she also has two dots under her right eye. she has a pink nose.

Duma was a dark brown pelt lion and is expecting cubs. She has a heart shape on her forehead and would die for her pride. She has a fade with her paws and tail that are pale brown. Her mate is Moyo.

Malkia is a pale brown pelt with amber eyes she has dots around both of her eyes she also has a white underneath, paws, and muzzle. She has a gem shape on her forehead and has a outlander nose that a brown.

Moto is smaller than her sisters and is a pure white pelt and a black nose with a head mark (Like Zira's) She plans to help her sister Duma with cubs. They all don't want to be queen.

Kopa then spoke "Me and your mother are on different terms and she has been exiled for attacking her own lionesses who did nothing to her."

"What!" They all said.

"So you all must chose go with your mother or stay in the pridelands?" Kopa said.

"Well I can't leave I have a mate and expecting cubs..." Duma said.

"I plan to help my sister with her cubs!" Moto said.

"I don't want to leave my pride is here.." Malkia said.

"Same! But who will take care of mom she doesn't hunt!" Mbweha said.

"It's your choice I will let you all know that you will not be exiled with her if you chose to go with her you all didn't do anything. You all could return after a while. " Kopa spoke.

"We are still not leaving!" The lionesses spoke.

"You all have a new mother..." Kopa said.

"Ooo.. Will she accept us even after what mom did.." Duma said.

"No.. I won't it's not your fault who your parents are.. Also congrats on your cubs!" Vitani said.

"Thank you! Will you help with my cubs?" Duma asked.

"Yes I will!" Tani smiled.

"Thank you!" Duma said again.

"When are they expected?" Kopa said.

"A couple days..." Duma said as Moyo came in with a turtle shell full of water.

"Here.." Moyo said pushing it toward her she took a few sips.

"Thank you" Duma nuzzled him. Moyo nuzzled back. Later that night everyone woke up to yowling!

"Duma!" Moyo ran over curling around. "What's wrong?" Moyo said.

"The cubs... They are coming!" Duma cried.

"I will get Rafiki!" Sama said. A moment later.

"What is the trouble?" Rafiki said.

"My cubs they are coming!" Duma said.

"Hmm.. The lions of the past warned me of this.. Moyo you must wait outside until the cubs are born.." Rafiki said.

"Alright.." Moyo said.

"Lionesses come help... Push.. Duma.." Rafiki said. Duma pushed but something was wrong.

"Ahh.." Duma cried as one cub came out. 

"Its a boy! Two more Duma.." Rafiki said. Blood was coming out as two cubs came out.

"A male and a female!" Sama said.

"Duma!" Moto cried.

"What is wrong!" Moyo yelled.

"Please... Take care of our cubs..." Duma said to Moyo.

"Wait! Don't leave me!" Moyo cried.

"Name them.. and take care of them..." Duma said before she fell limp. The cubs mewed for milk.

"No! Duma!" Moyo said. 

"Duma!" Kopa yelled running to his daughter "No..." 

Vitani nuzzled Kopa "It was her time.."

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