Locker Room Lessons

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Regrettably, this story was errantly posted in July 2002 under the title "Winner Takes All" by an unknown ghost author. We apologize for not being able to given the proper author his just due and credit. We hope you will enjoy his work and will welcome additional stories! Many thanks, editor 8.26.03

Paulo and I had gotten into a fight on the soccer field. It wasn't the first time, but it was the first time the coach had noticed. He had been pretty pissed and had made us run laps after soccer practice.

Paulo and I had never really gotten along. Sure we were teammates, but we both were vying to be captain. I thought I was better than he was and vice versa.

Paulo had been born in Italy and lived there until he was twelve, when he moved to my town. We had a rivalry on the field from the minute he arrived. It had boiled over this day when he tripped me up in a scrimmage.

Anyway, at the end of the twenty laps we headed for the locker room. It was deserted as I made my way to my locker and stripped. I heard Paulo bang his locker open and smiled. It sounded like he was pissed off. I had that little bit of satisfaction. I grabbed my towel and headed for the showers.

I had only just gotten the water the right temperature and ducked my head under the spray, wetting my blond hair before he came into the showers as well. I glanced over, not really angry anymore, but still resentful of him.

Paulo was a bit taller than me, maybe six one, and outweighed me by about ten pounds. However, it was all muscle. I was as well built, as he was, but just not as tall or big. I was fairly sure my soccer skills were better than his, but something about him made the coach unsure of whom to choose. I kind of knew what it was, which was one of the reasons I was resentful. Paulo had a presence about him, something that just seemed to shout, "I'm a badass!" I was more laid back -- less assertive about things.

Paulo turned on his shower and stepped into it. I quickly shampooed my hair then grabbed the soap, trying to ignore the guy across from me. Suddenly I heard what sounded like a growl. I looked over to see Paulo staring at me. His brown eyes seemed to pierce me; his curly, black hair dripped with water. He looked at me for a few seconds and I watched his muscled chest expand and contract as he took several deep breaths. It looked like he was trying to calm himself down.

"Ahhh, fuck it!" He closed the distance between us with three steps. "Listen, Chris, it's time to settle this, once and for all, here and now."

"What do you mean?" I asked. I wasn't intimidated by him or his threatening glare.

"You and me. Right now. We settle this between us." He reached out and pushed me, hard. That got my blood boiling.

"Fine, dammit! We'll settle it!" I closed in on him and grabbed his arm. I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"Winner takes all," he grunted. "Anything goes. Deal?" I knew what he meant. We would be settling the captaincy of the team as well as our pecking order. Whoever won this would be the one in charge and in control. I figured I could take him and looked forward to putting this arrogant jock in his place.

"I said fine, shithead," I yelled as I turned him and pushed his back against the wall." I saw an evil grin slide onto his face just before he swept my legs out from under me.

"Good," he said as I dropped onto the floor.

We struggled for a good eight or ten minutes. Three times I thought I had him, but he slipped free. The water made everything slippery, and wrestling on the hard tile floor was difficult and painful. I thought I had him the last time as I felt his body relax for a second, but it was a trick. Before I knew it, I was face down on the floor, my right arm twisted up behind my back and the weight of Paulo on top of me. I tried to struggle free, but Paulo just twisted my arm tighter.

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