Karkat in WonderLand!

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"Fuck my head!"said Karkat. "Ugh we're the hell am I?" Why your in Wonderland! Said a voice. "What the who the hell said that?!" Why I am Dave the Rabbit!" Said the rabbit man. He had big bunny ears and lots of red and black clothing also he had blond hair. " That's a stupied name!" Said Karkat. I say young grub I am the most in intelligent person in the Rose Kingdom, and at least I'm not wearing a dress!" Said Dave. As Karkat looked down at his dress he almost exploded. "We'll it was cool talking with you but I must be going well see you later bro." Dave said. "Hey hold up you shitcake I'm not done talking to you!" Yelled Karkat.

Act 1 fin

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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