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It's the next morning, we're still in bed in our own corners. I'm awake, but I don't open my eyes, but I can hear him sleep. I smile I love the little sounds he makes when he sleeps. I am a bit sad that this is the honeymoon is coming to an end, but I do have plans for him today. It's not much, but I figured I'd repay him for spoiling the shit out of me. I open my eyes, sit up, head to the bathroom to get washed up. I look at the time, and it's 6:30 am. I quietly go to the front part of the room (not trying to make the room light up) I do turn on a few lights, so I can see where I'm going. I see the room service paper, and fill it out to hang on the door. I also text my girls to get their opinions on my plans for him. Babe didn't like one of the plans, but the others liked it. My plans for him are, first a couples massage, that's the one Babe didn't like, because she thought it's too 'woman' like. The others are, a show but not just any show, his favorite play comes to life with the help of the performers on the ship. Last but not least, a candle light dinner on our balcony plus sex but that comes with it. I start to chuckle at the thought, and I felt warm hands on my shoulders, he sees the plans but without his glasses he didn't make out the words clearly. He kisses my head.

"good morning my love" I say he comes around and sits on my lap. He kisses my lips "mm morning baby" he says "also why are you awake now? Usually I wake up before you do" he says playing with my hair. "You just looked so happy sleeping I left you there. I'm sorry honey" I kiss him. Room service arrives, "I'll get it" he says, he does while I get some cash to tip him. My love is naked, and didn't realize it so when the guy comes in he's startled. "Sir please put some covers on" the waiter says in his thick accent. I come back and see the guy shielding himself from Patrick. "honey you don't have pants on." I tell him giving him the tip so he can leave. I lock the door. "shame, shame" I say wagging my finger, he crocks his finger at me over to him. I do, but his stomach starts growling. I chuckle "why don't we eat" he agrees as I got in his arms and we sat and had our breakfast and coffee. "why don't we have our coffee on our balcony" he suggested. "Plus we hardly use it anyway" I smile "sure baby" I say with french toast in my mouth. We finish the food, and bring our coffee to the balcony. I sit on him and we enjoy the sun and us. 

"Come lets get dressed, and have a look around the ship" I suggest "that's a great idea" he agrees, we get changed, and head out the door to explore the ship, and maybe play some at the casino. "It's the casino" he whispers, I chuckle "yeah you wanna play some" I ask not pushing him, "if you play with me" he kisses my head "sure" I nod and we go play some black jack. He ended up winning, but we stopped playing when he reached $100. "we should donate this to our charity when we get home" he suggested "yes that's a beautiful idea" I say we head to the casino bar and order some cosmos. Our charity is what he started up before we met. It's called Music for Kids. He's had a love for kids for as long as I've known him, and I want to give him kids, but I just want to wait until our lives aren't so busy. We walk to the library with our half drunk cosmos, and we're big readers, so we look for a good book to read. I found one that looked good, it's Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. He found one, but it's scary one for me. I don't even know the name of the book either. When we read we are always at our corners, because we need our own space too. I finish the book and fall asleep. It happens! He finishes, too and comes to wake me up. 

"Darling" he whispers to me and I wake up "huh, oh did I fall asleep" he chuckles "yes like always" he kisses me and we look at the time, and it's passed lunch. "guess we're eating pizza or a sandwich" I sarcastically say. "I have plans come with me my good woman" I make a face and follow him but freaking out inside. He looks at me "you ok honey" we stop walking "yes I'm fine just hungry is all" I kiss him real good to assure him. He looks at me up and down like I'm desert "shh calm down babe" I whisper to him, he stops and we continue walking to wherever he's escorting me. We walk in to a room, and it's a ballroom. It's setup as a play. I stopped in my tracks, but he kept going until he realizes I'm not beside him. "what's wrong" he asks me. Taking me to a wall to lean on. "you read my plans didn't you" I say in a frustrated voice. "honey I'm sorry but I mean no harm" I give him a look and it's not a nice look either. I walk in the room more and see my friends they're walking towards me.

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