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Hell, what's there to say, home of the world's damned souls, a city filled to the brim with crime, death, bloodshed, the works.

So yeah, new York city pretty much got it right.

But in this city, we direct our attention to a specific demon, one who's about to be in the most intense moment of his life.

" the cracked pentagram bar"


Demon 1-..........

Demon 2-...........all in.

You look at your cards and smirk.

Y/n- all in.

Demon 1- all in.

The three of you flip over your cards as the fifth and last card was placed, the three of you look at the cards as you smirk.

Y/n- Ace high, I win.


You chuckle as you grab the cash stack from the middle of the table, the demons glaring at you.

Y/n- Up for another round-

They pull out switchblades as you start to sweat.

Y/n- G-guys.



" foosh"

Your real cards fall out of your sleeves and onto the table, you look up and smile.

Y/n- h-heh, would ya look at that.

You grab the table and flip it onto the demons as you run out, the other demons push the table off.

Demon- GET HIM.

" timefreeze"

You may be wondering how you got stuck in this situation, well, long story short, you pissed off god and your in hell.

Your a regular demon, black skin, red horns, the works, you were a hustler and a good one, you've cheated people out of their money for years and never been least, until today.



You book it down an alley as the demons barrel down on your heels, you were getting tired and needed a place to hide. You then spot an abandoned looking building, you duck under some trashcans to try to lose their sight as you slip into the building.

You listen to them as they run past the building, after a few minutes, you could breath.

Y/n- Holy shit, that was close.

?- Yeah-


You fall to your knees as you get clocked in the stomach, then slammed into a wall as a knife presses against your neck.

?- Who are you.

Y/n- Names y/n, I mean you no harm, I just need a place to hide.

The figure leans out of the shadows, it was a female, a hyena demon, she had a Mohawk with red tips, a red t-shirt and a black punk vest.

The figure leans out of the shadows, it was a female, a hyena demon, she had a Mohawk with red tips, a red t-shirt and a black punk vest

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?- "glare" "pulls knife away" fine, but only for tonight, your lucky I'm feeling generous.

You nod as you rub your neck, the hyena demon walks into another room as you follow, inside was a makeshift apartment, it even had power, there was a TV, game systems, fridge, the works.

Y/n- How did you get this stuff.

?- Heh, stole it.

You chuckle as you sit on one of her chairs, she sits on the couch and stretches.

Y/n- So, got a name.

?- Crymini, so, what was all that screaming.

Y/n- I may have pissed off some gamblers.

Crymini- Heh, let me guess, old card up the sleeve trick.

You nod as she chuckles, you lean back when you notice a gutair on the ground. Cry notices you eyeing it.

Crymini- You play?.

Y/n- Been years, but yeah.

Cry stares off in thought for a minute.

Crymini- Show me what you got.

Y/n- Really, rig-

Crymini- JUST DO IT.

You shrug and pick up the gutair, you plug it in and start.

At the end, you were panting like crazy, you look over to see crymini wide eyed and mouthed at you.

Crymini-............Your perfect.

Y/n- Uh, what.

Crymini- You see, I'm in a band and one of our gutairist died thanks to sir pen, so, I'm thinking you be our new gutairist.

You stare at her.

Y/n- No thanks, I don't do "bands".......not anymore.

Crymini- Heh, didn't think you were a pussy.

You freeze.

Y/n- What-did-you-just-call-me.

Crymini- A pussy, a coward, a little scaredy cat.

You March up to her and look her dead in the eye.


Crymini- Okay then, join.

Y/n- FINE.

Crymini- FINE.

You sit back down with a smirk of victory.

Y/n-...............Wait, FUCK.

Crymini laughs as you mentally slap yourself.

Crymini- Practice is at 9 tomorrow, get some sleep.

She then walks away with a spring in her step as you chuckle.

Y/n- Well played little girl, well played.

" to be continued".

Sorry if it's short, I like to keep prolonges short and simple.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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