Chapter 19: The shooting Range

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Sam POV:

Its been a few months since the incident happened where a student was annoyed by Maho and wanted her dead as he used live ammo during a match igniting the ammo in her tank. Thankfully you got her out before anything could happen to her but at the cost of getting your legs filled with shrapnel but it was worth it and now you can walk without anyone's help.

You stand at the firing range as Cav grabs her M12 and goes to a booth and start to fire hitting every bullet dead center, you stand in the next booth with Maho showing her how to fire your PRB92 as she does what you say.

Sam: I think this is the only time you do something that I say

Maho: Well in this scenario you know more then I do but you still know im in control

Sam: I do but I want complaining about following your orders commander

Maho: Good, thats my good boy right there

She kisses your cheek

You let Maho fire off a couple of hundred rounds with your pistol as she haves fun and you look over at Cav as she is still firing her M12 hitting every bullet as you smile seeing it. She notices you looking while she is shooting as stops and looks at you.

Cav: Do you have any guns you would like to teach me to use?

Sam: Yeah I have this one

You walk off and come back with a Ksp 58 over your shoulder.

Sam: This one

Cav: ooo I like the look of that one

You hand it to her as you show her how to use it and you step back as you let her fire it with the help of the bipod as you smile seeing her just fucking sending it down range as you see her breasts bouncing up and down as you blush and look away but find yourself starring at them as she just keeps firing. Cav fires a thousand rounds with it as she knows you stared at her breasts.

Cav: Liked what you saw Sam?

Sam: Bouncy... uh what? Yeah I did

She laughs as Maho smiles at you as you three stay at the range for a few hours.

Timeskip two hours:

You sit on the couch as Maho and Cav are snuggled to you and you look at them.

Sam: Hey commander, Taina o have a suggestion

Maho: What is it sweetie?

Cav looks at you

Sam: Want to go out for dinner? I'll pay for it of course

Cav: Thats sounds nice babe

Maho: Yeah that sounds good, where will we eat?

Sam: You two can pick anywhere you want

Cav smiles

Maho: Come on Taina let's go get ready to go out with our handsome soldier

Cav: Of course commander

Maho kisses your right cheek as Cav kisses your left and they smile and walk off to the bathroom to get ready as you blush and go to iron your uniform. You hear the shower start and you finish ironing your uniform after a while as us you start to put on the medals on it and you look at the medal you got from being in Iraq as you sigh.

Sam: I let you guys down... I should have been the one that died...

You finish adding the medals as you go and get changed and put on the uniform as you hear footsteps behind you as you put on the beret and turn around.

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