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Soon enough, Aiko moves me into her three bedroom apartment, taking away my entire social life. I spend all day on my classes, only stopping to pee or get a snack. Aiko hardly notices that I'm not around; she's really busy. Still, I'm surprised to look in the mirror. I've always been pretty pale, but my skin has began to shrink into the paper-paleness. I begin to notice my ribs showing, so I eat more. Still, I can tell I'm underweight. I need to get out of this apartment...

I get the chance when she invites me to hang out at the café I had lived in for a week and a half. I accept, relieved I don't have to be the one that asks.
"Hey, Honey Lemon. Hi, Mae." Aunt Cass greets at the door. "Oh, Mae, would you play something on the piano? The customers have been asking."

"Okay, Aunt Cass." I respond, robotically climbing the steps and sitting in front of it. My fingers dance over the keys of their own accord, right before I join. "I'm at a payphone, trying to call home, all of my change I spent on you. Where have the times gone? Baby, it's all wrong. Where are the plans we made for two? Yeah." I sing the song to the fullest, letting my voice wash over the compact building. I ease the song out gently, like you're supposed, allowing myself to forget everything for a good two or three minutes. When I finish the song, I turn, finding myself face to face with a dreaming Aiko, a contemplating Wasabi, a confused Fred, a surprised Gogo, and a grinning Hiro. I feel the heat rush to my cheeks at the thought of these people hearing it. They could actually talk to me about my singing. "H-hello guys... when'd you get here?" I manage to chuckle.

"You really sound like that?" Wasabi analyzes.

"Yeah... why?"

"That was... kinda cool." Gogo interrupts, smirk flitting across her face. I can't keep a grin from mine as I leap off the stage in triumph.

"It was? I'm not much of a singer..."

"You're kidding! That was great, Mae!" Aiko squeals. She pulls me into a hug.

"Aiko... I need to breathe..."


"So... Let's go hang." Fred suggests cooly, resulting everyone nodding excitedly and dragging me across San Fransokyo. Aiko showed us a slue of toystores, squealing at the stuffed animals. Wasabi decided to take us to a bookstore, where he began to reorganize the books on the shelves. Gogo takes us roller skating, showing off her skills; Hiro has to hold my hand to keep both of us balanced. Hiro decides on the video game shop, where Wasabi tries to organize the games. Finally, Fred invites us over for a video game marathon.

"This is where you live?" I murmur, eyes barely recognizing the vast mansion. This is Fred's home? That doesn't even make sense.

"Mae? You gonna gawk all night, or are you gonna come in and play video games with us?" Hiro chuckles at my expression of wonder, gently grabbing my wrist and beginning to walk inside as I stare at the surrounding beauty. I let him drag me in, straight into Fred's room, which is covered in Fredliness, where I stop gawking. We choose a racing game, where I lap everyone at least once in every race. My main competition is Hiro, naturally, and Gogo. I laugh merrily as I lap Hiro for the second time that race. "Hey! No fair!" he growls at me, making me laugh harder.

"It is so fair. Ha! Finished! Eat it, Hamada!" I squeal like Aiko.

"How are you better at video games than me?"

"Um... Takumi." I reply simply, letting my hands shake a little at his memory. "He always played video games with me, since I didn't really have friends."

"Mae..." Aiko begins, but I cut her off by beginning a new race. I don't want to remember. I don't, I don't... Please don't make me remember anymore.
We play video games like that until around midnight, when we switch it to some cheesey horror film. I guess I fall asleep halfway through, because I open my eyes to a red t-shirt and soft snoring. Wait... I recognize the smell on that shirt. I gently peel myself off of the shirt, confirming my suspicions. I fell asleep on Hiro. He groans and murmurs incoherently in his sleep, reaching up and pulling me down on top of him again. Great. Now I'm a snuggle pillow.

"Mae..." he murmurs, squeezing my shoulder slightly. I roll my eyes and stop resisting him; I snuggle into his chest, letting my eyes flutter shut.

"Would you look at that..." I hear Aiko mutter, then the sound of a picture being taken clicks to my ears. "I totally ship it... Hey, Gogo... wake up! You've got to see this!"

Gogo groans tiredly. "What?"


"Oh. Okay. I'm going back to sleep."


"I. Am. Going. To. Sleep. Otherwise, you shall die. Got it?"

"Fine. Night, Gogo."


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