life expectations

821 22 25

ice is best snack

I'm under ur bed


Popsicle boy


were sitting right next to u

I'm under ur bed

Yea but like I don't want the whole class to hear

Lover boy

good point

Popsicle boy

So what did you want to say?

I'm under ur bed

I want my life to be like the crazy rich asians in da movie

Lover boy

The movie were watching now?

I'm under ur bed

yes Xiaoieboo, is that word imma make that ur nickname


Yes, xiaoieboo we are currently watching crazy rich asians

Popsicle boy

to be honest i kinda want my life like dat too

Lover boy

Ngl, that seems pretty good

I'm under ur bed

Ok next time I go to Singapore and Malaysia to visit my rich relatives

I like sure to pack Chongyun and Xiao as luggage 

Popsicle boy


Lover boy

Yea Y/n we're not going in suit cases

I'm under ur bed


Xiao ask Zhongli to ask Childe for $200000

Lover boy

No problem

but why so much money

I'm under ur bed

ur right its not enough


Make it...


Popsicle boy

Yep, that seems reasonable

don't you agree Xiaoieboo

Lover boy

yep it's reasonable

but if you guys call me that name infront of anyone else your both dead

I'm under ur bed

awwww, Chongyun he does love us

Love you too Xiaoieboo

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