Chapter 2: A Dragon!?

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When Bell gets home, she's annoyed. Until she sees Wave laying on top of Kai while he reads her a book. “She asleep?” Bell whispers. Kai looks up and smiles, “Hopefully!” He went to move, but Wave moves and hugs Kai tightly. “Uhh… a little help please….” He laughs nervously. Bell sighs and picks her up. “She’s grown an attachment to you since you moved in with us…” Bell smiles down at Wave. Kai then looks at Wave sadly. “Yeah.. she has. I’m just happy I moved in at the right time.” Bell sighs loud on purpose. Wave moves a little in her arms to get comfortable. Bell rolls her eyes. “Here, take her, I need to get undressed.” She tosses Wave in Kai’s arms. “Wha- Hey… don’t just throw her!” When he looks back at Bell, she’s not there but in her room. Kai shakes his head, “Dangit bell…” He looks down at Wave, who is already wrapped around him.

“What are we going to do with you?” Kai gets up with Wave in his arms and goes to put her down when she starts to breathe hard and starts to squirm, he looks down at her to see tears streaming down her cheeks and her face forming a frown. Once he fully lays her down,  he feels the ground shaking. Bell rushes into the room in her Pajama. “What's going on?” She asked while going up to Wave.  “ I don't know, she started having a nightmare and then this started happening!” Bell holds Wave close, while Kai goes to close the door and hops on the bed with them. They both hug Wave close. Next thing they know there not sitting on a bed but a field of grass filled with daises.

They have no idea what's happening, and too scared to ask. So they sit there staring at each other. When Wave finally comes to, she looks around. "Ummm... Where are we?" They look at her and back at each other. When Kai finally speaks, "We have no freaking idea... You were having a nightmare and the next thing we knew we were here." Before Bell or Wave could even say anything, a huge Bai Ze appeared, it was beautiful was all Wave could think about. Wave quickly sits up.

It's black horns against the white fur and ocean blue eyes staring at Wave made it so majestic in her eyes. She quickly gets up and walks over to it without being scared for a second, and it tilts its head in confusion and once she gets close enough, it licks her face. She giggles and the Bai Ze walks around her in a circle. It looks at her and sniffs her clothes. Wave stays still until it rubs against her. She kneels down and hugs it. Bell and Kai just stare at her in amazement. "Wow.." Bell mustered.

"I'm going to name him ange..." She smiles at the Bai Ze. "What does the name mean?" Kai asks, Bell just nodded. "It means Angel in French... Her mother used to call her that before she was adopted by my mother."

Kai looks over at Wave and smiles, until Ange starts growling at the forrest behind them. Kai freezes and looks behind him, he looks at Bell who is behind Ange. Wave has her arms wrapped around Ange and looks straight in the forrest with Ange.. as Kai starts backing up getting closer to the others, out walks a  scrawny big Wendigo.

It sniffs the air, while it does everyone holds their breath. Ange is growling a bit more, when Kai keeps walking backwards he steps on a twig. The wendigo's head snaps forward and locked eyes with Kai. Kai turns and runs towards the others.

The wendigo chases after him, the others start screaming for him to hurry. But Kai didn't see it until the last second. He tripped over a rock and tries to crawl and get up, but the Wendigo grabs his ankle and starts pulling it away. Bell starts to scream. Wave runs after Kai. Kai starts yelling and you can see his eyes filled with fear.

Once Wave catches Kai's hand and start pulling away, the Wendigo slaps her and she flies backwards and lands on her back. She can't breath. As Kai gets pulled closer and closer to the forrest the wendigo scratches his leg. Bell runs forward and hold Wave close to her chest "Breath Wave! Breath!!!" She starts crying. Ange attacks the wendigo and it yelps. The wendigo starts to pull faster into the forrest.

They hear a sound that vibrates through the bones. It's like a screech but louder and heavier in sound. The sound comes from the sky and not a second later it lands on the wendigo. It was a scary sight... It something no one really expected except the wendigo, it was a dragon. And it was a big one, while it had this deadly stare in its eye's.

Everyone just stared at the majestic beast with amazement and fear. It looked at the ground where the wendigo was laying. It bent down and started sniffing it. Once it stopped it ripped its head right off. Blood went all over Kai, Wave looks slowly at Kai and begins to worry. When Kai gets up and starts to limp towards Wave he hears the dragon huffing.

The dragon finished eating the wendigo, and looked at Kai. "You are injured." Kai then goes bug eyes. Wave is already passed out in Bell's and Bell holds her tighter. Ange runs around the Dragon. "I am injured... How can you speak?" Kai asks. The dragon transitions into this tall dude with weird color choice of hair.

It's split in half with one side spiked up and orange, while the other side is down and has a nice blue color. His eyes also makes no sense. One is green and the other is purple. Ange runs against him. "The names Jeremy, and as you can see I'm a dragon... I'm here to help..." He gives them an awkward smile.

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