Chapter 16: Rig

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Knowing Elizabeth was stuck sitting around all day, I tried my best to entertain her with simple, calming activities whenever I wasn't at practice, work outs, team meetings or games. I made it a priority to focus on my game, avoiding fights whenever possible and never, ever starting them. It's one way to show Elizabeth I'm growing up and leaving the bad boy behind.

I've also given up drinking, which was tough, but I noticed it also helped my game. Coach has noticed it, too, and has been grateful for my efforts since they resulted in a stronger team and more wins.

I came into her room after I got home from my morning practice, knocking once to announce my presence. "Hey, how's it going?"

"Fine." Every day it was like starting over with her. I think her bitterness and anger would percolate overnight and then it would come out, especially if I'd had to do something hockey related. She used our time apart to marshal her forces against me, so every day we were back to square one. It was frustrating.

"Can I come in?"

"If you want." She shrugged, to show me she didn't care, but I knew she was trying hard not to give in to her feelings. She was always like this after my games or practices.

Without asking, I sat down beside her on the edge of the bed.

"We had a good practice. I'm feeling good about our game tonight."

"Great." Her lack of enthusiasm was obvious.

Sometimes in the face of her unrelenting animosity, I'd feel defeated. But I knew Elizabeth, knew her generous heart and knew this was not natural behavior for her. She enjoyed rejoicing in the successes of others.

"Elizabeth, I want you to know that I stopped drinking when you came back. I knew I needed to be a different kind of man for you and our little girl. And I won't stop trying to win you back. I know I made a huge mistake with you. I know that, and I can't take it back, even though I wish I could. But I can only promise that I've learned my lesson."

She looked at me. "And I sure learned mine."

"Here's the truth, Elizabeth. Since you and I first got together, I haven't been with another woman." I held up a finger as she started to protest. "Yes, I deliberately kissed that girl in front of you, but I knew right away I'd fucked up and I ran after you but you weren't anywhere around. There was never more than the two-second kiss, and it had nothing to do with the girl and everything to do with proving to you that I was still in control of my life. But that was a big lie because you've been in control of my life from the start.

"I saw you in the apartment across from mine and you interested me. I wanted to get a reaction out of you. I wanted you to give me your attention. I just didn't know exactly what to do once I'd gotten it."

Before I could say more, Carol knocked on the door frame. "Time to leave for your appointment, Elizabeth," she said from her doorway. "Ready?"


"Mr. Carson said he'll be taking you."

When Elizabeth started to argue, I shut her down quick. "I'm taking you; end of discussion. I'll be going to all of your appointments that I'm here for."

Deciding it would be better to move fast, I walked to her bed and scooped her up. She was stiff in my arms.

"Put me down," she hissed at me. "I can take the wheelchair."

"Still have to carry you from the house to the car, so I might as well just carry you from here."

Was she...was Elizabeth pouting?

The Foster Girls #3: ElizabethWhere stories live. Discover now