No End to this Winter Fairytale

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The Adventures of Jollyland
Written by Marc Shawn Serrano & The Vocalizers

Episode 3: No End to this Winter Fairytale

The Queen's Diaries
Elf Land Scene Chariot
Continued Witch Scene in Witchy Hollow
Kris Kringle & Krampus Break in Scene
Bella & Ari scene (intro)
Reign & Nate clean continued
Witchy Hollow Scene Climax
Elfie and Aubriana loses Pileus 300
Elfie's Inn and Blossom

Scene 1:
The Queen's Diaries

(Opening scene with Choir director, directing Band to begin music, full orchestra music plays, while Queen Dita and Princess Jolie overlooks)

Dita: (Addressing all of Jollyland) (Loud, confident, and upright) Although this should be a time of happiness and good cheer for many, Christmas can be especially hard for those who do not receive anything because of their bad behavior.

We, here in Jollyland, are here to help change that. We cannot do it all, but we can help them redeem themselves. For here, No child will be left behind. Everyone will be given a second chance.  No parent will have to discipline their kids anymore. Santa Claus will visit every house and climb down every Chimney that he possibly can, and it's all thanks to all of the little good girls and boys.

Our success rate is currently 75.1% and it's steadily increasing all because of all of you.
We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts, for it is our proud duty and purpose to help each kid receive a gift every year. We are receiving a lot of positive reviews, so we must be doing something right. Right?

Well –with that being said, Santa Claus's popularity and visitations will be increasing as well. So, in honor of our great ancestors King Odin and Queen Freya, we would like to proudly present Santa's new magical hat: Pileus 300!

(Crowd cheers)

Pileus 300 will change everything.
May Jollyland live on forever.
Thank you everyone for all that you do.
Cheers to another marvelous endeavor.

(Raises glass full of Eggnog)

Princess Jolie: Do I have to drink this?
Dita: (Angierly whispers)  Drink the eggnog.
Princess Jolie: (Teases mother) "Tis the season to be jolly."
Dita: (loud, vibrant, and proud) 'Tis the season to be jolly!
((Everyone drinks from glass) (Some residents drink from glass and then throws it on the ground, making a glass crushing noise)

Princess Jolie: (Yells out) Don't forget to recycle!

Dita: (Almost burps) This is only the .. (almost burps again) beginning. Good day to you all. Carry on. Our meeting is now adjourned.
(to Princess Jolie) How did I sound?

Jolie: I think 'pretentious' might be the word.
Dita: Did I stutter?
Jolie: You may have burped. You're going to need a royal pardon.
Dita: Pardon me?
Jolie: Exactly. No wonder why they call you "your highness" you're so far up the ladder, huh?
Dita: Listen. Women have been called queens for a very long time, but the kingdoms given to them have never been as worth ruling as this one. I take great pride in ruling Jollyland. If it wasn't for me, then....
Jolie: (Mocks mother) Then, I wouldn't be living such a happy, perfect life as a Princess. I get it, mom. (Sarcastically) I'm so privileged. Yet I have to do all this hard work.
I still don't understand why *we* have to do any of this.

Dita: You'll understand one day, my dear. It's a system and it's been working for many, many years.
Everything needs governance. You are my only child.  You have no choice but to take over whenever I choose to retire. Yes. I know. There is a lot of power and responsibility in what we do, but believe me – It'll always be worth it in the end.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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