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I'm so thoroughly entranced by Levi's sudden appearance that I somehow forget entirely about the voice still droning on through the speaker of my phone that is now occupying the space on the floor beside my feet. My lips connect with Levi's, and I attempt to pull him impossibly closer, my whole body yearning to be one with his. It's as if I've suddenly remembered how to breathe, how to live. Like I've been in some sort of limbo all these weeks, missing a significant part of myself, and now I'm finally whole again. Levi kisses me back with equal passion, our hands roaming over each other until I'm suddenly aware of the circumstances of this particular situation.

Reluctantly, I tear my mouth away from Levi's, his lips chasing after mine before a low groan slips past them. I run my hand through damp hair, unable to stop the smile from overtaking my face. "There will be plenty of time for that," I promise him, staring into those chocolaty eyes I've come to adore so entirely. "I think we should get you changed into something less wet before you flood my entryway. A hot shower and some warm clothes should do the trick."

Levi sighs in slight disappointment, but he nods in agreement with my statement, closing the door behind him as he follows me to the bathroom. Once inside, he turns on the shower before immediately beginning to discard his drenched clothing. I'm painfully aware that a serious conversation is necessary between us. Still, as he strips off every last piece of fabric covering his muscular and defined body, I'm thoroughly convinced that talking can wait.

He's a masterpiece. Seriously, Levi Hutchins belongs in an art museum or something. Or rather, a likeness of him. I'd prefer not to share the real thing if I have any say in the matter.

I can't take my eyes off him, my gaze following his every movement as if it's the most transfixing and incredibly erotic thing I've ever seen in my life. Heat floods my core as I observe him, an untamable lust rushing through my body as if it's the very blood in my veins.

"Will you join me?" Levi asks, one corner of his mouth curled upward into a devilish smirk.

"Huh?" I ask stupidly, my face reddening instantly with embarrassment.

Levi chuckles to himself as he approaches me, my gaze grazing hungrily over his naked body as he moves. God, he's so incredibly alluring without even trying. Or maybe he is trying; I wouldn't know. And honestly, at this moment, I'm far too distracted to care. His hands raise slowly, taking mine into his grip briefly before tracing up the length of my arms. Even though there's fabric between his fingertips and my skin, the intention behind his touch sends a seductive shiver down my spine. Levi's fingers slip easily under my cardigan, pushing the material from my shoulders before lingering over the exposed skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake. I can't bring myself to breathe as the woolen sweater slides down my arms before finally falling heavily to the floor.

"Lexi," Levi's husky voice says, his gaze connecting with mine. I can clearly see the unrestrained desire flickering within those beautiful brown pools. I gulp audibly, squeezing my thighs together as if it might somehow relieve the pressure building between them. His hand leaves my shoulder before resting on my neck, his thumb lightly brushing over my jaw before moving on to my chin. Finally, it settles on my lips, tenderly tracing over them before gently pressing into the center of the bottom one, freeing it from the grasp of my teeth. "Will you join me in the shower, Lexi?" he repeats, his breath fanning over my flesh.

My eyes close without my permission, my lips parting in anticipation as Levi's face inches closer to my own. It takes less than a second before we're a fervent tangle of lips and limbs, the remainder of my clothes suddenly disappearing from my body. As the hot water rains down on us, I lose myself in every touch, every kiss, every breath, every pleasured moan as Levi and I finally become one.

"I love you, Lexi," Levi whispers into my ear, his hand pushing my now-soaked hair from my face as he rests against me, both our chests heaving as we attempt to catch our breaths. "Letting you slip through my fingers was the stupidest thing I've ever done; I'll never make that mistake again, I swear to you."

"I love you, too, Levi," is the only reply I can manage, my brain struggling to form sentences as my body revels in the aftermath of our lovemaking.

And I've never felt more fulfilled in my entire life.

Feeling wholly sated and more exhausted than I'd expected, I fumble to dress when we finally depart from the shower. Levi watches me with amusement for several minutes before scooping me into his strong arms. I shriek in surprise, Levi's laughter immediately following the sound. "What are you doing?" I ask him as he begins to exit the bathroom with me tightly held to his chest.

Levi doesn't answer, instead silently carrying me to the bedroom and depositing me on the bed. "You don't need to worry about clothes right now," he finally responds, crawling under the covers beside me. "I'll keep you warm if you get cold."

I can't stop my eyes from rolling, and yet, a smile manages to tip my lips upward at his comment. Snuggling into his side, I pull the covers up to my shoulders, allowing my body to relax. "I think we should probably talk about this," I admit, although I'm not sure I have the energy to carry on such a crucial conversation at this moment.

With a quiet hum, Levi confesses, "I don't really have any answers right now, Lexi. And truthfully, I think that's okay. Let's just... see where things go for now. And when we have answers, we can discuss the details."

While the proposition undoubtedly sounds appealing, my agreement to it is accompanied by a sinking feeling in my chest. I don't voice my rapidly increasing concerns aloud, however. Maybe Levi is right, and we don't have to know everything right at this moment. Or maybe I'm too tired to put up a fight about the unknown aspects of our future right now. Or perhaps I'm simply too overjoyed to have Levi beside me once again to give any further thought to the subject. Who knows? Regardless of the reason, I choose to remain silent and allow things to fall into place on their own.

For now, I've got the only thing that really matters in my arms, anyway.

Besides, what's the worst that could happen?

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