Who Is She?

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"Let's go to our house and get you changed" Jungkook tells as they head to car. 'our house' Rose thinks. She was staring at Jungkook for some time. 'What am I even thinking' she questions herself. They get home and she changes her clothes and head back to the party.

"Thanks" Rose tells softly and gets out of car. Jungkook starts to follow her upto the party.

"I'm here now,you can go back." Rose tells him.

"Get in first" he replies. She opens the door and there are faces of everyone worried both guys and girls. Jisoo immediately comes out and hugs her sobbing. 

"What happened, we got scared as hell here?"Jennie questions.

"What happened?" Lisa asks as she checks Rose's hurt.

"One guy tried too harass her, if I haven't been there on time, who knows what would have happened...." Jungkook explains. Everyone gasps and start to comfront Rose.

"I'm sorry for ruining today." Rose apologizes.

"It's completely fine, you're safe that matters" Jisoo tells.

"Anyway time's up we better head back"Jin calls off the party and everyone goes home.


Rose starts to wake up as she hears a soung from window.A guy wearing a black coat comes in.

"Who are you?" Rose starts panicking. He dosen't reply and starts comming forward. Rose backs off screaming with all her voice for help. He slaps her hard and comes face to face with her......

"Ahhhh" Rose shrieks as she wakes up. 

"It's a dream.......it's a dream" she whispers to herself, breathing heavily. She gets up from bed and goes down to get water and a door creaks, revealing a black shawdow comming down towards her. She leaves the glass she was holding, it shattered into pieces and starts crying. That person turns on the lights revaling himself. It was Jungkook. He notices her crying. He rushes to her.

"Oh my god, what happened?" He asks.

"He came again!" Rose cries holding on to Jungkook.

"Nah, no one came, first relax ok?" he hugs her back and lets her sit on the sofa. He cleans the broken glass pieces and gives her  water as she stops crying.

"Bad dream, huh?" he asks as he sat beside her and she nods.

"It's a nightmare" She adds looking at floor feeling insecure. There was silence for few minutes and Rose falls asleep on Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook was staring at her. He pulled one string of her hair and put it behind her ear and suddenly woke up because of that touch and started shouting.

"Ah.......please leave me"Rose shoutedand realised it was Jungkook and started to calm down. Before she could hurt herself Jungkook held her shoulder.

"Are you ok?" he asked and she swings her head sideways. no.

"Let's go to your room" Jungkook declares standing up.

"What?" she asks looking up at him.

" I said Iets sleep in your room tonight." Jungkook says and Rose looks flustered.

"No way- I mean no need l- you kno- like " she shutters and Jungkook chuckles at her becomming red.

"Don't worry I'll not do anything to you" he assures.

"What do you mean- when did I say that you'll-" Rose get's cut by Jungkook.

"After you sleep I'll go back" Jungkook tells. Rose murmures something and goes to her bedroom hiding her red face with hair covering. Jungkook follows her with smile plastered on his face. She lays down on bed and Jungkook sits beside her. 

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