Haunted...BuzzBlast? (Part 3)

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"What. Just. Happened?" Jane asked still looking at her computer.

"I just heard a loud bang from behind me and when I turned around the whole place was already like that, I told you it wasn't me" Javi said looking at me.

"Do you believe me now?" he asked me. I nodded at him

"Ghosts are actually real" is what I only said looking back at him.




Everything is back in it's place. We are now here at our desks just sitting silently. Still trying to wrapped our heads at what we just witnessed on those footages from last night. Amelia seems happy so I think that's good.

"Looks like we missed something, you're so happy Amelia?" Ollie asked Amelia who is sitting on her chair. She just smiled at him and turned back to me.

"How would you liked to go on some hunting tonight?" she asked me without any hesitations. I looked at her eyes wide and then at our friends and saw they were wearing all a confused looked on their faces.

"Hunting? As in ghost hunting? You've got to be kidding me? Amelia ghosts aren't real and you know it" Ollie said chuckling while shaking his head. I saw Amelia's happy expression faltered a bit because of what Ollie said.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to come with us tonight and find out yourself" Amelia said facing him. But it seems like Ollie has other plans because he started arguing with her.

"And what? Waste my time on some nonsense spirit who doesn't even exist? Come on Amelia stop your obsession with ghosts, they are not real" Ollie said provoking Amelia. She was about to argue back when I cut her off.

"Yes I'll go with you" I said smiling at her.

"You too Javi? Seriously, what did she do to make you agree to this? Did she paid you? Blackmail or something?" Ollie said now frowning at the two.

"Okay that's enough Ollie she didn't pay me or anything, just like her I wanna prove to you that ghosts are in fact real and they do exist in our world. You see Ollie, not all of mysteries are based off of Science. I believe Amelia because I've already seen one" I finally told our friends. I looked back at Amelia and saw that she was already looking at me and smiling widely.

"So that explains why you look so scared when you got home last night, I knew something was up!" Izzy said smirking and pointing at her brother.

"If you guys are going hunting tonight I'm in, I wanna see a real ghost anyways" Zayto said smiling.

"Me too I wanna see some real ghost" Aiyon said while raising his hands. We laughed at his enthusiasm.

"I guess I'm in too, I wanna see the ghost who managed to scare my brother off" Izzy said teasing me. I shook my head at her smiling. We looked at Ollie because he is the only one left still not convinced.

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you guys" Ollie said rolling his eyes at us.

"So we're all set, you guys can meet us back here...let's say 9:00pm? That okay?" Amelia asked the team. They nodded their heads and headed outside while me and Amelia continue on our work.

"I can't wait for tonight, ghosts are actually real! I've been ghost hunting all my life and I can actually find them here in Buzzblast only? Gosh what a small world" Amelia said slightly tilting her head up like she was wondering. I was just looking at her. She's wearing that beautiful smile of hers that only appears whenever she talks about ghosts or her Pop Pop. She really is one of a kind and I'm glad that I met her. Not to mention we are rangers and co-workers. I seriously wouldn't have it any other way.

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