7. Dark thoughts (Tobirama)

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I was the first person in place.

It was unusual. But the check-in was from two pm, and since we started filming at six, I thought I might as well take advantage of the luxurious room.

It was at a different hotel this time. Less princessy and white but much more modern, all glass and metal and sharp colours.

This suite had an actual, separate bedroom that was enormous with a big bed. I stood at the end of it, frowning, playing with my tongue piercing while fingering my industrial. I imagined Izuna in that bed, so fragile-looking but still able to take so much fucking.  It created a weird sensation, the fact that he looked so inexperienced yet was so frightfully skilled. I had to admit, at least to myself, that I found it a bit embarrassing that he was more experienced than me when it came to men.

I put my hands on the bed, stroke the sheets, imagined that I stroke the smell of him that would linger on it afterwards. I imagined finding a hair that was his, taking it between my fingers, letting it drop to the ground. I didn't know why, but imagining finding little pieces of him here made me erect to the skies. I unbuckled my belt, pulled my trousers down, lay down on my back on the bed. I closed my eyes, leaned my head back and groaned as I grabbed myself and started beating softly. Yes, I was filming soon, but if I didn't come now I would come as soon as I saw his pretty fucking face. I started to moan, building and building myself higher and higher up until my head was among the clouds and the pit in my stomach became an ocean of whirlpools that tickled my nerve endings. I grabbed the sheets with my free hand until my veins bulged, held my breath...

I was just about to fall down from the height I'd built up when the door to the hotel room opened. I wasn't ashamed of what I was doing so I didn't hurry to make myself decent, but I did release my erection, leaned my head back into the amazing pillow and hissed, heavily disappointed.

"Someone's shoes", I head someone say; Will. "Tobirama is in here somewhere."

"Or maybe Izuna."

"No, his feet aren't that fucking big."

"Oyy!" I said out loud.

"There he is!" Will entered the room, and as he saw my erect state, he raised an eyebrow. "I'm not paying you for that."

I couldn't help but grin.

"I've made you reach the stars, Will. I can demand anything."

"Then demand something I can actually give you. Like red toiled paper as Beyoncé did."

"I'm too famous to know who Beyoncé is."

"Shut up", Will smiled.

I smirked, stood up and pulled up my trousers, buckled my belt.

"I'm taking a walk", I said. "I need to set my mind straight."

"But not too straight. We're doing gay porn."

The walk was amazing. It was a splendid spring day, so I allowed myself to do something as controversial for a hot porn star as enjoying the budding trees in my surroundings. I liked that bright green of fresh buds against a light sky, as if the leaves and the sky would've been exactly the same shade if the saturation was drained from the world and only black and white was left. I felt nervous as I got closer to the hotel when it was time to film, but it took me a while to even realise what it was I was feeling; I wasn't used to being nervous.

It took me even longer to realise I was nervous because of Izuna.

I felt I walked much faster than I usually did, eager to see him. As I entered the hotel, I was too restless to take the elevator, so I took the stairs instead, two steps at a time, even if we were on the eighth floor.

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