Chapter 2

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Justin pov...

The soft buzz of my alarm vibrates from under my pillow.

I pull my phone out from under and swipe the screen stopping the sound.

My eyes shatter with pain as I blink them. I hardly slept last night.

She entered my thoughts again and I ended up crying myself into 'sleep'. I opened my eyes at some point of night and checked the time to,00:09. I couldn't close my eyes since then.

She's the reason I'm like this.

She's the reason I can't sleep without having a problem.

She's the reason I don't know what to with my reality anymore.

Tears fill at the thought of her.

"Justin" I hear a voice say, clearing my thoughts then a knock echos throughout my room.

I grab my phone from underneath my pillow and type,"Come in".

The door slowly begins to open and my moms face peaks out the door.

I quickly blink the swoon tears in my eyes away.

"Hi " she says in a very quiet and nesh voice,"Can I come in".

I quickly nod my head and conceal my face under the blue covers.

I feel a soft weight cover my legs and I presume she's sitting on my bed.

"I know your mad" she says exhaling a breath.

I don't respond.

"I would never assume that I'd ever have to do this in my life".

I still don't respond.

"Ill miss you more than anything in the world" she says exhaling another breath but thislo time her voice sounding shaky.

"Please don't hate me" she emits before breaking into tears.

I lay awkwardly not knowing what to say. I almost feel bad.

I remove the covers that were over my head and sit up.

My mother quickly covers her face and wipes the tears away with her shirt.

I sigh in grieve, guilt taking over me .Maybe I'm a little too hard on her.

I grab my phone off the bed stand and honestly type,"I'm sorry" .

She turns her face to my direction, her face red from all the crying, looking startled.

"I'm sorry " I type again. Resisting the urge to roll my eyes at her.

"You know I love you" she says and her face forms into a certain smile. A accidental light smile escapes my lips but I turn the other way to hide it.

My mother slowly moves off my legs and gets off my bed.

She catches my eye and opens her arms wide.

I get up and get wrapped into her sentimental arms.

My body surprisingly feels sufficient and I gently rest my head onto her shoulder digging my face into the side of her neck.

"I love you sweetie and don't forget that. If you need to talk I'm here to listen." She mumbles into hair.

After a few more seconds we release from each others grip and she exits my room.

I collapse onto my bed and exhale in my nose, shutting my eyes.

I miss her .


I watch my mom from the entrance door loading my two suitcases into her car boot and banging it down.

I exhale heavily and look down at my feet.

This is really happening.....

everything inside me hurts like hell and I can't get rid of it.

"Ready to go?" asks my mom as she puts a beenie over Ashton's blonde hair.

Ryan looks to me for approval, I nod a abruptly at him and he answers ,"Yeah"

We all follow my mom to her car and i join Ryan in the back while my mom and Ashton take their seats in the front.

The engine in my moms car starts and I already feel nausea. My last car ride in Sydney, Australia.


The air hits against my face as if trying to knock me over when I step out. I pull the two sides of my jacket closer together to keep my chest warm and keep my head low.

"You boys managing? " asks my mom picking Ashton up into her arms. Ryan and I nod our heads and he helps me open the car boot.

He grabs a suitcase and I do too, I shut the boot and my mom locks the car.

My moms the first one to enter the building with Ashton in her arms while Ryan and I follow behind.

I drag my bag behind me obnoxiously not watching who I bump into as my eyes curiosly wonder around.

I feel like things are always out of place in an airport. I mean, it's ridiculously huge, there's way to many random people walking around, buying snacks, talking to friends and all the long queues for the most absurb things.

"Ahem!" I hear Ryan beside me and I bring my attention to him. "Ive been calling you for a while now" he says hiding a smile and I roll my eyes and him.

"You have to get to your plane, now" he says with the expression on his face turning sharp.

My head slowly begins to notice.

This is really happening....

"I know your sad" Ryan says looks euthanized ,"So if you miss me, which I know you will, here's something to remeber me" he takes the different colour bracelet around his wrist off and hands it to me. I roll my eyes at the fact that he thinks I'll miss him but then a small smile escapes my lips.

I nod my head in approval and take it out his hands.

"Ill see you soon buddy" he says and playfully punches my shoulder.

I slightly smile at him and wave goodbye. I turn to exit the doors to the plane but a tap on my shoulder turns my attention back.

"Aren't you forgetting someone?" ,my mother says with a smile which I can tell is fake.

She obnoxiously pulls me into a subtle hug and I slightly stumple against my bag. I don't hug her back although I can tell she's crying due to the light sniffs that collide in my ear.

"Goodbye honey" she says inhaling deeply, "Be good for daddy" .

She let's go and I'm finally free to make my way out.

The cold breeze once again hits my face harshly but I carry on walking.


I sit fool of anxiety against my seat with my he ad looking up at the plane ceiling.

I really am leaving this place.

"Ladies and gentlemen please buckle up we are about to lift off" the pilots voice echos through the plane.

I don't hesitate to pull the black leather strip against waist and hold on tight .

"Ladies and gentlemen we are about to lift off" the pilots voice echos through the second time.

Everybody rushes to buckle up and hold onto their stuff.

I try to take my mind off the idea of leaving....

Your leaving anyway Justin.....

Hey guys finally got the second chapter up. Please stay tune for part 2 of this chapter and please vote or comment.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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