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Hello my name is Luca well that's the name I go by now. I don't really have a ddark past just a normal one but one thig that terrified me were ghosts. Your probably thingking ghosts their not real right? Well sorry to break it to you but they are real it's just that not everyone can see them. When I was little that was when I saw one for the first time I was terrified and run down stairs to my mother crying. Ofcourse she was worried but she wasn't really surprised that I saw one. Because it's kinda in the family, my father and older sister can see them too. And recently my little brother too. But when I was yonger I had a couple of ghosts in my room at night. I'll try my best to explain what they did and how they looked. 

Okay so the first one was there every night, it sat in the corner of my room staring at me and somethimes when I looked for to long it moved. It din't wear any clothes just a black tall figure sat there. And somethimes it would stand straight up and come a bit closer. This ghost is still here in my room and I found that out a year ago when I closed my eyes there would be a dark figure leaning over my face. But when I moved out of my old house it was gone for some years so I think it is the same one or it's another one.

The second one is a lady I think... anyway this lady stands by the stairs to go o the roof and ofcourse those stairs had to be across from my room. Anyway I have to get up at 6am for school and 4.45am to go to work so then I mostly see her. She just stands there but if you look at her and then look back she will come closer. But if you ignore her from the start she just stays still or after some time she will be gone. This lady was there for about half a year then she was gone. I forgot to say this lady was in my room too when I was younger just not alot.

The thirth one is a little kid, he had a balloon with him and let's just say he wasn't really quite. So I would somethimes wake up from them and I wasn't be able to fall asleep. And what would I do then I would rush to my parents room next to mine. This kid was there until I was 10 then they where gone but now they probably found me again so they are here again. 

There was also another lady that would dance , she was actually pretty. But I coulnd't see any colour so it was just black, white and gray. She wore a skirt that would move with he when she did and she had a flower in her long hair. This one was actually pretty nice and she would dance and sing until I completly fell asleep. She was like a second mother and in daytime she would hug me whenever I was crying in my room and se would sing a lulaby. (Don't ask what she sang idk anymore okay all I know is that it calmed me down).

The last one was another tall figure but this one was like a second father to me because me and my actual father aren't anywhere near close so we just don't talk to eachother. But this ghost was a father I could only dream about he would hold my hand when I was falling asleep, covered me when my blanked fell off and he would protect me from other bad ghosts.

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