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She began walking tohis room, hating herself. Every step felt like shit. So she got to the door andknocked. Then cursed herself for giving that asshat any respect, and walkedright in. There was a small fire in the corner, a comfy rug on the floor. The messybed was small, but big enough to fit two if they were packed tightly enough.Rowan was bent over his table, working on something, the fabric of his shirtstretched thin. "Please," Aelin choked out, barely able to think coherentlywhen he was right there. Rowan didn't even look at her. "Please." She repeatedherself, barely more than a whisper. He still didn't turn. Aelin bowed herhead, and just as she turned to leave Rowan wrapped his hand around her waist. "Idid say wanted you begging," he whispered in her ear. Reached over her to shutthe door, then bolt it. Aelin got on her knees, desperate to please him so heforgave her. Within a heartbeat, his fist was gripping her hair and pulling herback up. "So nice of you to put me first today darling, but I might go feral ifI don't touch you right now," he spoke softly in her ear, the rough tenor ofhis voice and his hand gripping her hair being enough for Aelin's knees to buckleagain. Rowan's arm gripped her waist firmly, his other arm going beneath herknees as he lifted her off the ground as if she weighed nothing. He set herdown on the bed, gently, she noted, and stared at her lack of underwear. Allshe had on was a coat. "I figured the less I have on, the less you have to tearoff me, right?" she responded, albeit nervously. Rowan didn't care. He was occupied.Staring. She began closing her legs, suddenly conscious. Prying them apart, bitingand licking his way up her thighs. Then dipped his thumbs just there,till he pulled them back and just on either side of where she needed them. "Needsomething?" He asked her with a cruel glint in his eye. What a sick fuck. "No."Aelin whispered, suddenly furious. Nearly pushed him off her, tired with hisgames. But he pinned her, hand wrapped around her throat this time. And dragshis thumb down her clit. Again. Again. She heard how wet she is, see theevidence on his drenched thumb. So Rowan held it up to her. "Does this look likenothing to you?" he half growled at her. She gripped the bedsheets. "Please," was heronly reply. So Rowan obliged, if only out of mercy. Plunged two fingers intoher, deep. She groaned just at the sound. He began pumping them painfully slowly,the pain building in her center multiplying. So she canted her hips up, beganrocking on his finger, fucking herself on the one point of contact she got.Until it stopped moving. Rowan looked down at her through his thick lashes,brow raised. She could see the ghost of a smile on his stupid mouth. "Please." Shegroaned, frustrated, reaching her hands up to tangle them in his short hair,tugging softly. Once again, he obliged. Began rubbing her clit again, movinghis fingers inside her. Then he curled them, hard against the sweet spot overand over, biting her neck as he did it. Just as her moans turned into pleas,her pants into whimpers, he pulled his hand away, licking his fingers, grinninglike a cat as she writhed. "What the fuck am I to you? What the fuck kind ofgame is this? I am begging you to stop, begging you to let me come and youthink its fucking funny. Do you know how shit I feel right now? How embarrassedI am? Fuck you." She breathed faster and faster as weeks of frustration ripped outof her, tears darting down her cheeks. "Fuck you." He froze. Cocked his head. Releasedhis grip on her. Then leaned in, licking the trail her tears had left. Thenthrew his shirt down, one hand unbuckling his belt and the other unzipping histrousers. He began kissing her slowly, rough calloused fingers burning holes asthey explored her skin. He trailed down her neck, licking his way down. Histhumb found her clit, and began making unhurried, thorough circles around her,making her gasp. He smiled against her neck, relishing the noises he coaxed outof her. Even without the friction he granted her, his touch alone was enoughfor Aelin to chase her high again. As she threw her head back, out of controlwith need as she began whimpering and rocked against his fingers, Rowan enteredone into her. He gave her no time to adjust, to register, before he beganfucking her with it, rough and fast enough, the lewd noise evidence of how wet shewas. She tipped her head back, nearing climax. The moment she began whimpering,Rowan bit her shoulder as her hips began stuttering. She was still moaning,still begging when she came. And Rowan just smiled against her skin as the paceof his fingers did not slow down. He drew out her orgasm, to the point of pain.Until she was too sensitive, when even his breath on her neck was too much.Even then he did not slow. Even when she trembled, begging him to slow down,repeating over and over that it was too much, too fast. Even when she ended oneclimax and found herself in the middle of another, he did not stop. He kept going,at his relentless, painful pace, drawing out high after high, till she became asobbing mess in his arms. Just when she was thankful it was over, he loweredhis head between her thighs. His tongue began tracing long, slow lines up hercore, and his finger began its torturous dance yet again. The overstimulationensured that she came almost instantly, getting more sensitive each time, tearsof ecstasy flowing. Still, he kept going even as she raked her nails down hisarms, attempting to halt him. He thrust his fingers into her deeper than they hadbeen, curling them over and over as he nipped at her jaw. She went molten whenhe kissed her tears, pulling his fingers out just to rub the heel of his palmagainst her as her breath trembled. She was sore, and she had come more timesthan she should have. It was painful. And just as she was about to nestle herhead into his shoulder to rest, she felt him rock hard against her. Her eyes widenedas she looked at him, unheard whimpers already tumbling from her lips. Hereached down to capture her lips again as he entered her, swallowing her criesof pain and rocking slowly inside her. As her legs began shaking again, he threwboth her knees over his shoulders and began rutting into her deeper from a newangle, her cries falling to deaf ears. He kept at it until his own hipsstuttered, slowing gradually till he softened. He kissed every bite, everybruise he had inflicted upon her. Kissed away her tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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