\\ Chapter 15 \\

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It starts off as one cup

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It starts off as one cup. Then two, then three and before you know it you've drained 2 grown humans.

I didn't realize how much I craved human blood. Neither did I realize how much Jasper craved human blood.

I looked up at him after dropping my second human and watched as he sucked everything out of his. His eyes were closed in euphoria as the blood dripped down his mouth.

I walked to my throne and lazily sat back watching him go crazy. A smirked crawled onto my face as I watched the doors open to show Jane and Alec walk in.

They bowed. "My lord, there is a letter from the Cullens." Jane said before hand me the letter.

After bowing again they walked back out the throne room. Jasper dropped the human then walked up to my throne.

"what does it say?"

"Carlisle writes that they've left Forks." I said after reading the page. "Edward has gone rouge and they want the Volturi'S help looking for him."

How typical of Carlisle. They haven't spoken to me since we left and now since they need us they say soemthing.

It's been 2 months since that night. And neither Rosalie or Alice have sent anything. I didn't expect Carlisle to send anything so he didn't hurt to much.

When we got here my father explained how he and my unckes had other plans. How they were tired of ruling and wanted to "retire".

So they left the crown to me..... and Jasper. They are all now in Greece, exploring the modern version of their home country. I was happy for them.

I looked at Jasper who sat on the arm rest of my throne. He was licking the blood off his fingers. I chuckled at him.


I stopped him by pulling his head towards me. Digging my hands through his dark hair, pulling him closer to me. He moved onto my lap wrapping his legs around my torso. I moved away from the back of the throne giving his legs space.

A soft moan slipped from him. "Maybe we should move to our chambers?"

He kissed me back as an answer.


Jasper and I were laying in bed when we heard someone knocking at my door. I got out of the bed and slipped a robe on.

I opened the door to see Demetri. "My lord, there's a Carlisle Cullen in the throne. He asked to speak with you."

Has Carlisle really came to beg now. Well, that's kind of suprising but also not. "I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Yes, my lord." He bowed before speeding back to the throne room.

I turned to Jasper who laid sprawled out on our bed. He looked so relaxed. More relaxed then I've seen in a while.

"My love." I called to him. "I have a situation in the throne room. I need to go sort it out, I'll see you later."

"I'll come join in a few minutes." He smiled lazily at me, his dark hair had fallen over his eyes as he turned onto his stomach.

As I walked throw the passages, each guard bowed their heads in my direction. My father had left the guards with a strict message.

He is you king, treat as one.

And they have ever since I stepped into that throne.

The tall doors to the throne room opened as I stepped before them. In the middle of the room stood, Carlisle. He looked tired. Like all the energy had been shucked out of him.


"Fraser." He said as he snapped his head to look at me. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you. Now get to the point." I demanded.

"Edward is missing."

"And?" I scoffed. "What must I do with that?"

I had never seen Carlisle so vulnerable, he was fidgety and couldn't look into my eyes.

"We need your help. We need the Volturi'S help, please."


"But Fraser, we're family."

Family. We weren't family when Edward called me a monster. We weren't family when they kept favoring Edward so why now.

"No. Now get out."

The guards opened the doors, showing him to get out.

"Fraser, ple-"

I stopped him. "Get out Carlisle. My father gave second chances but I won't. So leave."

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