Ch. 8 school trip 2

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[yarr.. me pirate accent is back after months now.. enjoy me prettie little show .) oh me gosh me should stop now.. 2 days later I got Corona 🙂]

Lefty's POV:

Molten was actually- really nice to me the whole time when we played games
But I think he was just bored and had nobody else to talk with..
We now played some Uno.. again
I was close to win this game
He looked confused
I just smirked at his expression
I won all the games already that I played with him
I need to say.. he's but dumber than I thought..

I just put the last card I had and won again
I won.. again" his straight face turned mad
naw man! This isn't fair! How are you smarter than me? I'm even older!" he said frustrated
well.. I learned everything since I was 4.. and you molten- don't Even try" I answered him- holding my laugher
He looked annoyed „why did I decided to play with you.." he sighed and leaned back to his seat
I giggled a bit
I turned around to see N.Puppet smirking at me
what's up?" I asked
uh.. nothin.. just.. he actually would not play with anyone other than his friends.." he said
..aaaaaaannnd?" I asked
I thought you aren't friends.." he said again, then he looked at molten
hey molten, are you and lefty friends?" he asked molten over my head- damn.. I'm not short! They are just tall..

no, we are not" he said, and looked at me from the corner of his eye
did it hurt you lefty?" N.Puppet said, actually- no
nah.. im Good" he could see that I was telling the truth
alright then.. molten- why are you playing with lefty?" he asked molten like a fricken detective
because I'm bored!? Now let me alone-" he growled
you usually wouldn't play with anyone expect your friends.. how high is the chance that you are that bored to play with someone else.." „High! Now leave me!" he said pointing the middle finger at him
okay! I'll go to nootmare and eat something with him, lefty you comin? Molten wants to be alone" N.Puppet asked me
well Fine to me-" „he can stay- you should go you little fucking emo marionette" Molten interrupted me and grabbed my arm

N.Puppet smirked at his reaction by asking me to go away..
im questioning what's happening.. what the hell.. does molten wants to be my friend or not?
N.Puppet left his seat and got to that.. nootmare?
and now.. teach me how to do math!" Molten said
since when you want to learn?" I asked him surprised
if you are not gonna teach me anything I will punch you in the face really hard.." he teased.. wow mood
Fine Fine.. don't need to threat me like that.." I said
He took my other backpack and got a book out
that's.. my Spanish book.." I said, he growled and took my Chemie book out
He looked at me to answer, I shake my head to a no- meaning that's still the wrong book

After another taking 3 other books out he finally had the math book
can you even read?" I asked „yep.. just lazy" he said and searched for the page where our theme was..
which page was it again.." „page 177.. you should learn more you know." „the teachers won't do anything! They just write something- it isn't useful anyways!" he said.. he actually is right- the teachers are doin this to complicated
I agree with you! The teachers are doin this so complicated! I'll teach you something useful!" I said and we started learning

Time skipe skipe skipe- the author have's covid
No ones POV:

The plane landed and they all arrived to where they wanted to go..
they drove with a bus to their hotel.. it was 10pm
Everyone got to their room..
Lefty got a room with S.Puppet and N.Puppet, his siblings we say
He was glad that he didn't need to share with someone else
They all prepared their suitcases and got to bed..
Waiting for the next morning..

Time skip- next morning- again*

Lefty got smacked by S.Puppet with a pillow
Get your ass up! We are going to McDonald's with the whole class!" She said with a huge smile
what Time is it?" lefty asked her, and rubbed his eye
it's 5 in the Morning Why?" she said
aren't we supposed to be waking up on 9am?" he stand up still in his pajamas
yes but I listened to the teachers and they said we are goin to McDonald's!! I was so excited I couldn't sleep and I wanted to play with you games now.." she said straight and fast
Lefty was stunned for a minute and needed to process what she even said

so.. let me get this straight-" „gay" „uhh.. straight.."  „gay" „okay fine.. what ever you mean- you were spying on the teachers- found out that they wanted to McDonald's as breakfast and you got exited- you were so bored that you woke me up?" lefty said
She nodded her head as a yes
wow... what about your older brother?" he asked- brushing his fur a bit
he haves his headphones on" she said back „why didn't you take them off?" he asked again
there Are 2 options- he is one with his music and won't get up till he does that- or he isn't one with his music and will mock me till I die" she answered
Lefty was to stunned to speak

so you coming or not?" she asked-
well.. because you woke me up.. I'll just play.." S.Puppet squealed of joy
HURAY" she screamed „shut up- or the teachers will notice us not in our beds!" lefty shushed her
She nodded and gave a tiny 'yay'

Some hours later*

HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD IN THIS GAME!?" S.Puppet asked lefty- half screaming
I don't do anything- you just go to the wrong way" lefty answered her while smirking
Naww man.. teach me!" „I can teach you this night! First.. we need to go to McDonald's!" lefty said
S.Puppet gasped
YASS! my sweet delicious sandwich!!" she squealed again
now get out! I need to change" he said, dragging her out

Time skip outside in front of the McDonald's shop cause the author said so*

S.Puppet jumped up and down, with her lovely sandwich in her hands
Lefty just sat there on his seat and watched her
On his table were Beth and Mollie too..
brr... it's a bit cold here right?" lefty asked the two crazy girl who are eating their breakfast
I don't know what ya mean! Maybe it's because we wear jackets and you not" they pointed at lefty's
oh.. I must have forgot them in the hotel.. well.. now I get cold- I maybe get sick again" he sighed

Then he felt something on his shoulder- it was heavy for him..
He turned around to see..
He was putting his jacket on lefty's shoulder
Beth and mollie were a bit shocked
Molten looked at them, growled a bit
And let go of lefty's shoulder
Lefty wasn't really surprised but he asked „why did you do this" he asked quietly, so molten wouldn't freak out..
I don't want to be your babysitter again!" he said frustrated
well okay.. thanks i guess" lefty said and turned around to face mollie and Beth again

He could hear moltens footsteps walked away
uhm.. since when is molten as softie?" Beth smirked
Mollie was to stunned-
I don't know what you mean.. molten is just tired of being my babysitter!" I defended
yeah yeah yeah- cry about your Theory! I say he's a big softie near you!" Beth said proudly
mhm.. I'll just say nothing-" lefty turned once around to his siblings
S.Puppet just ate her sandwich deliciously
Meanwhile N.Puppet just smirked at lefty, then to molten, then again to lefty

Lefty was creeped out of this all..
and just continued with his breakfast
He couldn't take these minds of them in him
He didn't know what they talked about..
he just zoned out and ate his breakfast

"What do they want From me?"

[UGH- the author got Covid help- IM DYING AND CHOKING- this- this.. is why I'm a bit late hope you don't mind!
We have 1420 words!
Stay safe my lovely's!
Don't end up like me! Be sick of that- bullshit
Now have a nice day! Hope you enjoyed!
Bye :>]

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