I'm Cold, Hyung.

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"YOOONGIIII-AHHHH!" Jin screamed from across the house. He was all ready to go for the fishing trip the two would be going on today. Something they had planned to do on a day off for months. They have had other days off, but still couldn't find the time to go fishing. They finally found the time. Hobi and Jimin had helped cook and load up a lunch tote full of snacks for the two to bring with them. Jin said they'd probably be gone a few hours, but no later than that. Jin and Yoongi needed to be home in time to make dinner, they didn't trust the others to do it.

Yoongi came out of the bathroom freshly showered, making his way to the fridge to grab a cold brew coffee, "A few more minutes. Are we bringing extra clothes?" Yoongi asked. He figured their clothes would get wet while they were out, so bringing some extra things wouldn't hurt.

"Sure, I can throw some extra shirts and sweats into our bag," Jin offered. Yoongi nodded in response as he took a sip of his beverage. Jungkook came into the kitchen pouting, he wanted to go fishing with them but was told it was 'hyungs day out' and he could go another time.

"It's because you don't like me, isn't it?" Jungkook playfully pouted.

Yoongi walked over and ruffled his maknae's hair, "Yes, that's exactly why." The two laughed. Namjoon and Taehyung also met everyone in the kitchen, " The weather says a storm is coming tonight. You'll be back before that though, right?" Taehyung asked. "The storm doesn't start until almost 6," Namjoon added in.

It was only noon, "Yes, we will only be out a few hours," Jin replied. Jungkook ran away and came back out with a throw blanket, "You should bring this too, in case it gets cold."

"It's 70 degrees out," Yoongi laughed.

"Well what if it gets cold out?!" Jungkook protested, "And remember to wear life jackets, with a whistle!" He was just as protective of his hyungs as they were of him. Jin grabbed the blanket and put it into their little travel bag too, "Yoongi-ah, are you ready now?" Yoongi nodded as he threw his drink container away. Jin quickly grabbed extra clothes and threw them in the bag before heading out. They all said goodbye to eachother as the two oldest hyungs vanished out the door. The rest of the members went to begin doing their own leisure activities for the day.

They would be fishing at the ocean today, one of Jin's favorite spots. Due to the incoming weather, it wasn't as crowded as it usually was. People always claimed that a storm rolling in would mean less fish. Yet Jin saw it as their opportunity to catch more fish, considering there was less people. They were using a row boat, it was pretty big in size, bigger than most wooden row boats, and stayed in the water well considering the waves. The boat was also roped to the dock, so it couldn't float away. It was used more as a spot to sit and bob on top of the waves without disappearing into the ocean.

The two loaded their lunch tote and extra clothes into the boat.

"Why don't we just leave the clothes in the car? Hyung if I need to change, I'm not doing it on the boat," Yoongi smirked.

"Ahh Yoongi-ahh, live a little," Jin laughed. They joked about different newspaper headlines that would create. Before hopping in the boat themselves, they remembered to put their life jackets on. They weren't ones they were used to, but they fit and they worked, which was all they cared about.

The afternoon sailed by smoothly, Yoongi had rubbed it in Jin's face that he'd already caught two fish. They ate through half the snacks and drinks at this point. They weren't sure what time it was as they had left their phones in the car to make sure they didn't lose them in the water.

"Let's not be too much longer," Yoongi looked around and saw that the other people who were fishing all seemed to have headed out already. They were really beating the storm.

I'm Cold, Hyung. [Yoongi Hurtfic/ Yoonjin]Where stories live. Discover now