Chapter One

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I smiled fondly at the TV screen before me, watching as it displayed my brother who was performing on stage with a group of men he debuted with a few years prior. He had been busy as of late, and hadn't been around due to promoting their latest comeback. But I was fine with that, this was his job after all. And besides that didn't stop him from calling me every night or every other night when things got too hectic. The best thing about his phone calls was that he would tell me how his day went or what they had to do for the day, but of course that was always after he asked how my day had been or gone.

So when he asked me to watch his performance tonight, it was a no- brainer that I'd turn it on to watch. He was my own supporter and I would forever be his, to him and to the family he found in the men he worked with. And even with it being a few years since they had debuted, they never stopped him from getting time with me. Hell in fact there had been multiple times where he brought one or more of the members home with him for a few days. But that stopped after I started dating one of the other members.

The member that became my boyfriend after just one visit had promised he'd keep us a secret. But low and behold he was a loose lipped as I expected and nearly twelve hours after they arrived back to their dorms, I was getting a call from my brother.

My brother...speaking of him, I smiled as he came on screen. Mingi's rap flowed flawlessly as he dominated the stage before him. His deep voice resonated power and I couldn't help the pride that swelled within me. That was my big brother on stage, I was related to that and he was my everything.

His rap didn't last long and when it was over and the camera panned away, I looked back down to my journal I had been writing in. He had once asked me to write him some lyrics forgetting how I loved to write them. Each time I sat down to write a verse of lyrics, it turned into a full blow song by the end of the night. I just had a knack for writing song lyrics and to be able to write something for him to use on stage one day was a goal I had set for myself.

Before I could write any lyrics though, my head immediately shot up back toward the screen as my boyfriend's voice filled the audio. My lips quivered in a goofy smile before tugging down in a soft frown. I was supposed to see color with him or at least that's what the two of us had been hoping for over the course of our relationship. He was supposed to be my soulmate, the one that was supposed to light up my world...but he never got my world to light up. But alas the fates were proving this relationship to be doomed at the start, I wasn't sure if I'd ever see color with him...but a girl could hope.

I was so lost in thought that I hadn't noticed the performance was over and that they had already walked off the stage and ended the show. It wasn't until my cell phone rang that I finally took notice. That and it probably helped that the ringtone was a special set tone Mingi had picked out for himself and set without my knowledge. I never did have the heart to change it even if it was such an annoying ringtone.

"Hey!!" I grinned at the phone even if he couldn't see it.

"Were you watching?" He asked and I could just hear the grin on his face.

"Yeah, you guys did so well." I told him. "And you guys looked good too, those were probably my favorite outfits by far on you guys."

"Thanks, Dove." He chuckled lowly. "That means a lot, I'll have to tell the others what you said."

My smile brightened but I soon let it falter as I thought of something that had been bothering me a little through the night. "Hey, Mingi?"


"What color were they?" I whispered softly, unsure if he actually heard you.

"" So he did hear me. "Oh yea, sorry, I guess I forgot to tell you about them, huh? They were black and red."

Gravity/ Hongjoong (Ateez Fan Fiction)✅Where stories live. Discover now