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Warmth filled him as a bright white glow chased away the cold darkness that had surrounded him for so long.

However, it could not chase away the memories that hung heavily in his mind.

The twins... lying together in a pool of their own blood, victims of an entrail-expelling curse.

Hermione... a traitor.

The rest of the weasleys... Gold diggers.

Dumbledore... a manipulator.

Sirius... lost to silvery depths of the veil.

Tonks and Lupin... Killed by the killing curse, their hands intertwined even in death.

Hedwig... his ever faithful companion, torn to shreds by Nagini.

He wanted to scream his loss to the world, but he couldn't. He no longer had any tears left to cry with, and there was no longer a world to scream to. Besides... screaming wouldn't bring them back, nothing would.

Part of him couldn't help but wonder, if they had given in to his demands would they still be alive? Would they still be hear to laugh and cry with him? Probably not.

Not long after the war had ended, another started. The muggles were good at avoiding things they didn't want to know existed, but not even they could miss things like giant, green, hovering skulls, mysterious deaths that had no explanations and houses that burnt down because flames couldn't be put out by any tool the muggles had in their possession.

A war between muggles and wizards started.

Guns, bombs and machines clashed with spells of every colour and hue. It was to much for the already damaged earth.

In the year 2020, the world imploded, taking the two warring sides and everything else with it. One by one, each person of the earth had died from the lack of oxygen and he had closed his eyes in resignation, expecting the same fate.

Death had other plans, passing over him and leaving him alive and alone. A living star.

Hah! A living star. That used to be his own private joke to himself, his only spot of joy in the dark, miserable, space he found himself drifting in.

Now though, it seemed to have more truth to it that he had actually intended.

The glow which now surrounded him seemed to be internal, shining out from beneath skin that had become chalk white in the years without light, filling his entire being with warmth but that being was not the being he remembered being.

It seemed he had changed a lot during his time in space. His hair, once jet black, short and scruffy, was now ebony, glossy, neat and long enough that it reached down to the small of his back.

Reaching back to run a hand through it, he brushed past an ear, only to find it pointy, long and sensitive.

His clothes, too, had changed. His t-shirt and jeans had mysteriously become a white Greek-style tunic, tied at his waist by a length of golden cord. His trainers and socks had vanished, leaving him barefoot. Come to think of it, his glasses were gone as well, but he found he no longer needed them.

His back felt mysteriously heavy but it took him several attempts, not helped at all by the lack gravity, to find out why. Whenever he turned, the new weight turned as well, and he reckoned that if he were to watch himself from an outsiders point of view he would look a lot like a dog trying to catch it's tail.

He cringed, reminding himself not to think about dogs. It only served to remind him of Sirius.

Finally managing to catch the weight, he almost dropped it again when he found out what it was. Wings! He had wings! Large white wings covered in soft long feathers that trembled with each touch.

An angel from on highWhere stories live. Discover now