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           You had quickly realized what you had just said, retaliating your own sentence you say, "Whops sorry, that's a weird thing to say sorry. It's probably because your voices are similar to other teenagers that come into the bakery." They had seemed to calm down a lot from that, they were then curios of how you did not recognize their voices from the #1 teen boyband! (Welp they wrong if they think everyone knows them, but who knows?). Now they were curios. But you paid them no mind, going back to the counter. They thought that you were an interesting one and they defiantly wanted to know more about you. 

       Then as if God themselves was like "I gottchu fam. (4 * Town)" 4 * town music started t play on the T.V. 'Oh shoot! How am I going to get myself outta this one?'  As 4 * town saw what was on the T.V. they were a little  scared that you were going to become one of their mega fans or something, but you were washing the dishes so you couldn't  hear it. ' Nice thinking me!' (Even though in reality you could hear it.)

          You had then returned to give them their pastries, you made sure to get them all one just incase, so they wont have to ask for more pastries ,'Saving myself a trip even though I don't need to!'    I walked over to their table with pastries in hand. (Good thing the pastries are in my hands)

                Hewo, guys! I'm back, I grabbed some more pastries if any of you wanted some." I say putting down the pastries on the smooth table. (Smooth Criminal) 

              "Thanks a lot, we were actually going to ask for some more! Its like you could read our minds!" The one I believe was Robert? Something like that.

                 "Oh, no problem. I just always think ahead for my customers! So this is kinda normal for me to know." I kindly reply.

            "Well thank you anyways, " Robeige? says again (Y/N be like Inosuke rn XD But also in her defense , she never even looked up their names yet. So maybe she has heard it from customers in the shop?) 

               "Anyways, I'll be going to the back. Before I go, you guys need anything else? We also have beverages, so like maybe a water?"  I tell them 4*towns .

         "I think we would like 4 waters please, and a coffee iced latte." Robbie? rep[lys in a polite tone.

  I reply to that myself with a; "Alrighty! 4 waters and an iced coffee latte coming up!" I sprint on the kitchen and get to work, after I'm finished I bring the beverages to the table of them 4*towns  people.

          "Here y'all are! 4 waters and and iced coffee latte." I pronounce to the boys in a confident voice.

          "Thank you very much!" All of them pronounce back.

        "Thank you aswell" I say.

END OF CHAPTER 2! Sorry its so short! I kinda started to write it, then forgot about it. And I just finished it! I did not want any of you to wait any longer, also no worries, I was not rushing when I was doing this! 

                                                That's all for now, By my fwends, and I hope you all will have a good/swishy day/night/morning/afternoon/space!

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