This is a mess

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Authors Note

I GOT 1K READSSSS! Also sorry for not updating for so long I guess I just didn't have an idea and was kinda busy. THEN I GOT 1K READSSS! Anyway I'm writing this note before I even have an idea for the story sooo might update today or something(also this weeks kailex chapter isn't too kailex like though so sorry bout that) I'll try writing 2 parts today in attempts to make up for my break AND FOR GETTING 1K READSSSS! 


"I don't want to have to clean this up." Alex said as she stood there looking at the mess she had created. It was all because she had tried to bake a cake. The problem being she had put too much baking powder and now looking at the cake she realised that no recipe should call for 5 teaspoons of baking powder. Why she had put that much remained a mystery.

 She sighed then felt a presence in the room. She looked up to see Kaiden with mirth clear in his eyes.

"Oh, shut up." She murmured and finally Kaiden laughed. 

"I didn't say anything," he responded through chuckles, giving Alex a hug. "Now should we start cleaning up or should I start cleaning up?" Alex smiled at her options. 

"I'll do the dishes." She said deciding letting him off the hook. As they started cleaning Alex heard the oven beep. Loudly. Her chocolate-baking powder cake was done. She had regretted this moment. She had to eat that disgusting crap called cake which was spilling out of the pan. The thought sent shivers down her spine. 

Kaiden seeing her distaste laughed and shot her a smile."I'll try a bite with you." He said in efforts to make her feel better. 

"Trust me you don't want to," Alex said cringing, "I may or may not have put 5 teaspoon of baking powder." 

This time Kaiden tried to contain his laughter not wanting to make Alex feel bad. "Baking powder? My favourite." He said smiling at her. 

At this Alex laughed as well. "Baking powder and  chocolate actually." 

"Even better." Kaiden's said accidentally pulling a face even though he had tried not to. Much to his luck Alex had just laughed. Carefully taking it out of the oven this time Alex had made a face as well as she took in the smell of way too much baking powder. And cocoa powder but that wasn't very strong anymore. 

Cutting a tiny slice Alex and Kaiden's both had there pieces ready. "Shall we?" Kaiden's said seeing Alex's terror. She just nodded unable to talk because of the disgust she felt. Then they ate. She chewed a bit and her face morphed into complete horror. 

It was disgusting. 

As in the worst thing she had ever tasted in the history of things she had ever tasted. And young Alex had shoved a lot of things in her mouth.

Kaiden had already prepared for this. He rushed her to bathroom where Alex threw up every last bit of that crap.  When she was done she rinsed her mouth then turned to face him. They both started laughing and Kaiden put his arm around Alex and gave her a long, sweet hug. 

"I'm so sorry you had to eat that." She said looking up at him. But he just smiled.

"You could make up for it by giving me a kiss." He said grinning.

And so she did. 

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