Lol i hate this

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I enter my schools cafeteria for breakfast seeing everyone quickly find their tables saving spots and getting there trays. I see someone fall and this girl in my class attempts to help him up but he pushes her away, such a jackass. She quickly regains herself before finding her friends, actually I should correct myself friend as in singular. She calls her friend 'Martha' so I can assume that's her friends name. Apparently they're going to be watching 'the princess bride' haven't heard of that one before. I look around the cafeteria to the other students and only see them talking in groups. Then a bunch of the students form two lines near the entrance to the cafeteria, they all raise their empty trays towards the other line. Three students walk in all apparently named Heather, besides the saying if they're names you could literally hear a pin drop. Then we started eating, Soon enough it's time for our classes. Now I'm back in the cafeteria watching everyone, I haven't found that girl from earlier yet. Just as what happened in the morning there's two lines formed and a bunch of trays go up into the air. This time four students come in, there's the three heathers and then the girl from earlier, she's changed her clothes and makeup drastically. Apparently her name is Veronica, she's to kind to be in this school with all these jackasses. "It's a beautiful fucking day!" I hear her say.

~~~~Three weeks later~~~~

I see her in the cafeteria again, she's been doing the Heather's bidding for the past three weeks, it's sad that they're taking such advantage over her. Apparently she said something that the main Heather said and it pissed the bitch off. "You have a bone to pick? You've come so far why now are you pulling on my dick, I would slap your face off. Everyone here would watch, but I'm feeling nice listen here bitch." Heather starts, I hate her, she has absolutely no right to do that to someone so kind. I tune out the rest that happens during lunch and go to the hallway to sit and read. Veronica exits the cafeteria and I open my mouth to speak "You shouldn't have bowed down to the swatch dogs and diet coke heads. They're gonna crush your friend." "I'm sorry, what?" She reply's. "Look, you've clearly got a soul. You just need to work a little harder keeping it clean. We're all born marked for evil." I get up and start walking away but she speaks before I leave her "Okay, don't just quote Baudelaire at me and walk away. Excuse me? I didn't catch
your name." I turn towards her and close my book "Didn't throw it." I hear two jocks talking and tune it out but one of them who I believe is named The smartest jock smacks my book out of my hands. "What'd your boyfriend say when you told him you were moving to Sherwood, Ohio?" The smart one says. The other one who I know as jock two comes up and wraps his arm around my neck then opens his mouth to speak "My buddy Kurt here just asked you a question." I ignore him and the smart guy speaks again "Hey Ram, doesn't this cafeteria have a "no fags allowed" rule?" The other answers with a 'sure does' and I reply "They seem to have an open-door policy for assholes, though." I proceed to fight them back in a holy act of badassness. Some of the students start chanting 'holy shit' so I assume either no one stood up to them or they've never been beaten in a fight.

A few days later

I walk into a 7-11 and after grabbing a few things I see Veronica walk in. "Veronica, don't forget to buy corn nuts! It's not a party without corn nuts!!!" One of the Heathers yell after Veronica and she yells back in response "Yes, Heather. Plain or BQ?" "BQ!!!!!!" I hear through the door. "Greetings and salutations. You want a slurpee with that?" I say with the ends of my lips curling. "No, but if you're nice I'll let you buy me a big gulp." She responds and I quickly open my mouth "That's like going to Mickey D's to order a salad. Slurpee is the signature dish of the house.
Did you say cherry or lime?" She takes a second and then reply's " I said big gulp. I'm Veronica Sawyer, by the way. Were you ever gonna tell me your name?" "I'll end the suspense. Jason Dean. JD for short." "So, JD, that thing you pulled in the cafeteria was pretty severe." "The extreme always seems to make an impression" my lips curve into a slight smile. "So what brings a Baudelaire-quoting badass like you to Sherwood, Ohio?" "My dad owns a deconstruction company" I quickly reply. "Deconstruction" she questions. "Yeah, the old man seems to enjoy tearing things down. You ever seen the commercial like "Well I'm Big Bud Dean if it's in the way I'll make your day!" She giggles and then speaks "Right, then he pulls the plunger and the screen blows up! That's your dad?" "In all of his toxic glory" "Everyone's life has gotten static." "Veronica!!" I hear Heather scream "Example: I don't really like my friends." "I don't like your friends either. Bag the party, hang here!" " At the 7-Eleven? Swanky first date." She says. " Hey, I love this place" "no offense, but why?" "I've been through ten high schools They start to get blurry No point planting roots 'Cause you're gone in a hurry My dad keeps two suitcases packed in the den So it's only a matter of when I don't learn the names Don't bother with faces All I can trust is this concrete oasis Seems ev'ry time I'm about to despair There's a 7-11 right there Each store is the same From Las Vegas to Boston Linoleum aisles that I love To get lost in I pray at my altar of slush Yeah I live for that sweet frozen rush... Freeze your brain Suck on that straw Get lost in the pain Happiness comes, When everything numbs Who needs cocaine? Care for a hit?" I say taking breaths here and there. "Does you mommy know you eat all this crap" Veronica asks. "Not anymore, When mom was alive We lived halfway normal But now it's just me and my dad We're less formal I learned to cook pasta I learned to pay rent; Learned the world Doesn't owe you a cent You're planning your future Veronica Sawyer You'll go to some college and marry a lawyer But the sky's gonna hurt When it falls So you better start Building some walls. Try it" I hand her my slurpee and she takes a sip " I don't see what the big deal- Oh son of a bitch!' I see the main Heather enter the store "Veronica! Corn nuts?" She basically yells "Yes, Heather." "Wave bye-bye to Red Dawn here and let's motor" the bitch says. They leave and I go home shortly after

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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