kate's apartment (2)

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Life seems to return to normal post seeing Wanda. Kate and Yelena return home with their dogs and Kate resumes finding work to do while Yelena works with the savings she has.

Yelena's resumed going to their pizza place for dinner twice a week, and is on her way back when something - matter of fact, someone - flies down in front of her.

It takes her a second to comprehend what just happened, and then she nods, "Hello, spider-boy."

"Hey!" Peter exclaims, "It's Spider-Man, thank you very much."

He stands up a little straighter as if he could look stronger than Yelena in any way, "Kate invited me over. I just happened to see you... hence why I'm here now."

"Why are you Spider-boy-ing right now, then?" Yelena asks as she resumes walking and Peter follows.

"It's more fun," he admits sheepishly, playing with the straps on the backpack she's wearing. Yelena can't help but notice it takes away from the whole hero thing.

Yelena opens the door to the apartment building, not missing how the doorman gapes at them, swallows his surprise and then greets them with a "Good evening" all in the span of five seconds.

Peter gives him finger guns before following Yelena into the elevator. The elevator doors close and she laughs, "You freaked him out."

"A little bit," Peter shrugs, fiddling with some kind of gadget on his wrist.

"I really hope you have clothes on under that and don't plan on just wearing it the entire time," Yelena comments, and the eyes on Peter's suit go wide at that. She snorts as the elevator opens and he sputters something incomprehensible before following her.

She balances the pizza boxes on one hand before unlocking the door, singing out a "Kate Bishop!" as she walks into the house.

Music is playing in the living room and Fanny and Lucky are eating dinner, but the second they hear Yelena, they come over excitedly. She puts the pizza boxes on the counter and greets them accordingly as Kate bounds down the stairs.

"Hi! Hello," she hugs Yelena tightly and then Peter. She looks back at Yelena, "Sorry I didn't tell you, I actually forgot."

"You? Forgetting things?" Yelena asks, and Kate rolls her eyes at the obvious sarcasm.

"Where's your bathroom?" Peter asks, fiddling with his backpack straps, "I gotta change."

"Over there," Kate points to a door, and he quickly disappears. Kate smiles softly at Yelena, "how was your day, Lena?"

"It was good," Yelena says, "Um, Barton texted me, said something was delivered here for me? Do you know anything about that?"

"Oh, yeah," Kate walks over to a box in the living room (one that Lucky seems to be protecting) and her eyes widen as Yelena pulls a knife out of her vest, muttering a "Jesus Christ."

Yelena slices at the tape, paying attention to not cut too far down so she doesn't damage anything inside. Kate walks off, offering to get Yelena a slice of pizza.

By the time she comes back over with two plates, Yelena's gotten the box open and is pulling at the bubble wrap surrounding an assortment of photo albums. They all vary in wear-and-tear and Yelena's heart almost stops when she sees Natasha's handwriting on the spines.

She pulls the first of them out, labeled Nathaniel in bright blue marker.

The album is full of photos of the youngest Barton, from birthdays to Christmases to Halloweens. She furrows her eyebrows, why was she sent this?

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