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The episode opens in an unknown location, with an unknown Ardoni pacing around.

A familiar figure rides up on his horse, Timber. The unknown Ardoni speaks first.

Uknown Sendaris : At last, you are here! Thank you for answering my call.

Thalleous : *warm* I would never refuse a plea for help from a Sendaris brother. Why have you called for me?

The other Sendaris disappears behind a tree for a moment where his things are.

Thalleous dismounts Timber as the Sendaris returns with an Ardoni child and hands it to Thalleous, who looks confused.

Thalleous : Whose child is this?

Uknown Sendaris : The child is mine, Thalleous.

Thalleous looks up, even more confused.

Thalleous : And the mother?

Uknown Sendaris : Someone who must remain a secret- for knowing of her clan would endanger us all.

Thalleous pieces it together finally.

Thalleous : No- it cannot be! A Voltaris?!

The other Ardoni turns around and scans the horizon.

Uknown Sendaris : She will return soon with the rest of our children. We must get them to safety.

Thalleous gets worried and angry at the same time.

Thalleous : I must do no such thing- I swore to destroy the Voltaris. Where- where did you even find them? How many are there?!

Thalleous tries to hand the child back to the Sendaris. Before the Sendaris can answer, a roaring hum cracks the air as a ball of light lands just beside them causing an explosion which sends them flying away.

The shots cut and get a bit fuzzy as Thalleous recovers. He stumbles along towards Timber as the sound is still muffled and his ears ring. Things aren’t shown very clearly.

Thalleous looks back and witnesses the Sendaris being killed as he mounts Timber. He’s about to ride off, then stops, and turns around.

Back to further away. A burning area can be seen in the distance. The sound has finally settled but it is still tense. Timber rides into view with Thalleous on his back as he looks over the distance. Thalleous looks down at the child he is holding.

The camera then backs up as Thalleous rides off with the kid. Senn’s theme begins playing.

Music and scene fades to Senn standing alone looking out of a prison cell in Northwind.

A moment later the gate opens, and a few Voltaris stand waiting.

Back to the exterior of the building, on streets of Hailstone. Senn is lead across the castle, many Voltaris walk about, and it is clear that they have taken up refuge in this city. There are also some Nether skeleton guards and more.

He is lead to a small plaza where two Voltaris wait for him, one sitting and one standing. The Voltaris beside him turn, and leave. He waits for the two Voltaris to address him first.

Almrak Voltaris : We were told that our brother was killed… but here you are, at long last.

The two Voltaris turn towards him. They both wear nearly-identical markings as Senn, only in Voltaris red. 

Senn : So I’m a Voltaris…

Deltheus Voltaris : Only half Voltaris. We share Sendaris blood in our family, unfortunately.

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