I own you- Chapter 5

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"What do you mean not yet?" I looked at her dead in the eyes to see she was serious, her face was stone cold, I backed up until my butt hit the counter. Her heels clicked on the porcelain tiles as she strode over to me, I sucked in my breath.

"Well, now to think about it, you live in my house so if I were you little one I would do whatever I say. Keep in mind I don't take disrespect in my house kindly." I heard she emphasized the word 'my'.

I stood frozen as I watched her lean close to my ear, "Move." Her coffee-scented breath tickled my ears, I stood there paralyzed.

There was no way she was serious, everything about her told me otherwise. I squeezed myself out from under her grasp, I felt like I was overheating. I took one last look at her before running up the stairs to my room.

How is my mom friends with this woman?

Well, fuck that. I jumped on bed scrolling through Instagram, I miss my best friend so much. So I did the most logical thing and blew up her phone with messages before calling her on my

"Bitch, the fuck do you wanttttt." I smiled when an obnoxious voice boomed through the speakers of my phone

"You, papi." I winked at her, she rolled her eyes in response. She loves me I swear.

"Ew, gayyyy. How are you adjusting to life up there?" I sighed and explained to her from when I landed to my confrontation an hour ago. She laughed throughout the whole story.

"Bro do not laugh, she's fucking scary." I playfully rolled my eyes at her.

"You always wanted a milf, now you have one and you're complaining." Technically she was right.

"I dooooo, just not her old scary ass." She laughed so hard she fell off her bed, then looked at the camera with wide eyes.

"What?" I looked at her confused. She pointed to the door behind me, I looked behind me to see Miss Alcott standing there with her hands on her hips.

My heart dropped straight to my ass.

"Damn Ili, she really is a scary ass bitch." I slammed the computer shut, ending the call in the process.

Miss Alcotts' eyebrow rose, "I came in here to ask you if you wanted to go to the stores. Instead I found you here giving your friend negative remarks about me."

I suddenly felt embarrassed for my actions, "I-"

"Save it, meet me in the vehicle in five minutes. Come any later, you'll see what happens." She walked out my room, I sat on my bed in shock. How could I have not heard her walk in, god I'm so fucking stupid.

I shifted in the seat of the car, my legs were so cold since I came up with the bright idea to wear biker shorts. I bit the insides of my cheek, what I'm about to ask her can either be ignored or, there's probably no or.

I took a deep breath, " Can you turn the Ac please." I looked at her in the corner of my eyes, all she did was shift to driving with one hand.

"Miss Alcott can you-."

"I heard you the first time, it's either your stupid to realize I ignored you or you're just annoying persistent." I closed my mouth, looking out the window. I deserved that.

When we got to the mall, she got out of the vehicle not even acknowledging my presence or that i'm the reason we are here. I quickly jumped out of the vehicle, trying to pull down my shorts after they rode up my thighs.

Thick thighs may save lives but they're quite annoying.

I followed behind her like a lost puppy, I felt like one. I looked over to my right, catching a glimpse of a store called 'Gamer's hideout' . It looked so intriguing with big uncharted plastered in the glass. I found myself in the door without Miss Alcott just aimlessly looking around.

A dusty blond boy came up to me, "How can I help you today?" I politely smiled after reading his name tag, "Nothing particular Jason, just browsing." He nodded but kept following me around the store as I looked at different games.

I turned around quickly, feeling a presence behind me, and caught him staring at my ass, "Can you stop following me." I crossed my arms unknowingly pushing up my breasts, his eyes glanced down then he looked back up at me.


He moved closer to me, I instinctively backed up. I felt my ass hit another body, I spun around seeing it was another boy. How was no one seeing this, I moved to the side trying to get away.

When a cold hand with sharp manicured nails grabbed my own, I closed my eyes hoping it was who I thought it was.

"How can I help you boys?" I gripped on to her hand.

"Nothing mama bear, chill she's our friend. No need to get upset." The dusty blond said with a smirk on his face.

"Hm so you're the famous Jason your mom cries about in therapy sessions." Miss Alcott replied emotionlessly, I watched as shock flashed in his eyes.

His smirk dropped into a frown, "My mom?"

She stared at him with a bored expression, "God she was right about you being a failure, I mean look at you." She slightly laughed as she tugged on my hand.

I clutched onto her hand, feeling nervous all over again.

"This is why we don't venture off on our own, Iliana. Everyone isn't as nice as me."

"You're not nice though." I looked straight ahead trying to brush off what I just said.


I rubbed my eyes suddenly feeling sleepy, I looked at the clock seeing it just stuck at 3 am, my throat was parched. Miss Alcott and I got home a couple hours ago from shopping after the event.

It was uneventful other than me buying clothes to wear. I didn't know what my style was yet so I just got a variety of clothes from goth looking to pastels.

I creeped down the hall, it was so dark. I was just trying to memorize the different corners and pillars inside. When I got to the kitchen, I heard a voice on the phone. It was muffled but I could make out the phrase, "Just get the job done." My curiosity got the best of me, I took a couple of steps closer but stubbed my pinky toe.

"Fuck, shit shit shit shit oww." I hopped towards the dimly lit kitchen hoping she didn't hear me. Just a quick in and out job. I opened the cupboard, grabbing a glass.

A body pressed behind me, I was just about to scream when a hand clasped over my mouth, "Ladies should be seen and not heard Iliana but in this case you were caught. If you weren't my friend's daughter, you would've gotten a punishment."

Her hand slowly dropped from my mouth, "That doesn't mean get too comfortable, I own you now sweetheart and you will abide by my rules."

That ounce of fear I had for her grew.



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