that tw#t

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Su-hyouks POV:
Cheongsan told me everything I was shocked but at the same time angry I got up  and cheongsan looked at me I started to barge out until  I soft hand grabbed my hand I turned very shocked it felt like u felt that touch before I looked behind me and saw cheongsan crying I immediately fell down to my knees and cuffed his face in my hands I asked "whats wrong" but he didn't answer I sat beside him and he ploped his head on my shoulder we sat there until I heard wee soft snoring I turned my head towards the sound and I saw cheongsan sleeping u chuckled quietly and got up carefully not to wake him up once I got up I carefully picked him up and we went out of the closet I went to the principal to say that me and cheongsan were going home he understood after he saw a sleeping cheongsan after we went to my house because I didn't know where his house is I placed him down on my bed and.........
OhHhHhh cliffhanger anyways so sorry for not posting I was really lazy sorry

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