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"Hello, dear, Ryder~ Miss me?"

"What?! You have a crush on Duke of Flappington?!"

"It's dumb, I know... You can yell at me for being stupid..."

Both Marshall and Chase's expressions softened when they noticed Ryder was clutching for dear life on his blanket and hides his face, ready to face the fact that his own pups will disagree in his decision. I mean, who would be stupid enough to fall in love with a villian? I'm sure he did. "We're not going to yell at you, Ryder, Sir, we just find that you having a crush on Duke a bit peculiar..." Chase commented. "Yeah! It's a bit weird that you have a crush who almost destroyed the castle of Barkingb- OW!" Marshall whimpered as Chase stomped on his back paw, an amused and annoyed look on the German Shepherd's face; taking the note that the Dalmatian didn't help at all.

Ryder sighed in defeat, burying his face in his pillows. "It's hopeless... He probably doesn't even like me..." He groaned, his voice muffled by the soft pillows. "And if everyone sees me with him, they'll think I'm teaming up with him... And worst of all... They'll hate me for being gay..." He mumbled as stray tears escaped his hazel eyes. Chase frowns. He jumped onto their master's bed then placed a paw on Ryder's shoulder. "It's alright Ryder~ I'm sure everyone will accept you for being bisexual. Everyone has your support~!" Chase said as he happily wags his tail, making Ryder smile a bit. "Yeah! And when someone doesn't accept you for being who you are, we'll bark and bite 'em if they ever try to hurt you~!" Marshall exclaimed happily. The boy sniffles and he hugged the two pups. "Thanks~ you guys are the best pups a boy could ever ask~" he says softy as he nuzzled them close to his chest.

"No biting though..."

They all laughed.

The pups are all asleep while Ryder was still wide awake. It is normal for him to be awake at this hour but, he should at least give himself some shut-eye. His thoughts kept him awake and it makes his brain and eyes go all blurry. He tried to sleep and keep his eyes close but, he just couldn't. He groans as he reached for his pup pad and looked at the time.

Twelve thirty in the midnight.

He's been awake for quite a while now and it's begining to bother him. He sighed as he looked at the ceiling and towards the two pups who were sleeping on the other side of his bed. He was about to sleep but his pup pad began to ring. He sighed. 'who would need saving in this time of the night?' he thought and he answered the call with his usual greeting. He yawns then sighed. "Hello... Ryder here..."

"It's so nice to hear you speak softly, Ryder..."

A familiar voice spoke and Ryder blushed bright red; brighter than a tomato if he was being exaggerated to why he would call him in the middle of the night. "D-Duke?!" He stammered, which made the duke chuckle. "Yes darling~ it's me~" Duke replied, making Ryder blush darker. Oh yes, it is happening. He's not dreaming at all. "W-why are you calling m-me?! How did you even get my number?!" He whispered yell at the boy, knowing that his pups were sleeping with him so he doesn't want to wake them up. "You're a rescue team, it's obvious that everyone knows your number..." Duke replied.

'oh yeah...'

Ryder shook his head and he looked at the duke with a serious face. "Do you need help? Is there an emergency? You know you can't call this number for something not necessarily important..." He uttered as he rubbed the sleep off his eyes. "Awww~" Duke whined. "How can I call you for something then if I do not know your personal number? You've got to give it to me to stop calling this one~" he charmingly spoke. "How about... No..." The boy replied and Duke whined some more. "Please~! I'll promise I won't be bothering you again~" Annoyed, Ryder gave him his actual number and he sighed. "You good now? I need to get some sleep..." He groaned, making Duke grinned. "Thank you~ now, get some shut-eye... You'll need it..." Duke sweetly spoke and ended the call between him and Ryder. The boy sighed as he placed his pup pad down and he slowly falls asleep.

The next morning slowly came by and all of the pups rushed to Ryder's room, barking happily. The boy slowly woke up by Chase licking his face and barking happily. "Ryder wake up~! It's morning~!" He says happily. Ryder groaned and blinked his eyes to adjust his view at Chase on top of him, panting and his tongue sticking out. He chuckled. "Okay, I'm up..." He slowly sat up from his bed then began to give some morning scratches to the two pups. The best part of sleeping with Ryder is that they get to be scratched early; via the pups' opinion. He never mind it at all, in fact, he likes seeing his pups happy. After a few minutes of scratching, he then slowly got up to get changed and ready for the day. He's sure that the pups are waiting for their breakfast to be served outside already.

Once Ryder already placed all the kibble in the pups' perspective bowls, they all began to eat, leaving Ryder to think for a bit about why would Duke call him in the middle of the night for. He never told him about an emergency; or a situation that needed help. It's been eating his own consciousness inside out, making all the pups look at Ryder worriedly. "Ryder, you alright...? You haven't touched your breakfast bowl..." Rubble spoke up, making Ryder loose his thoughts. "Oh... I'm alright... I just got lost in my own thoughts again..." He simply replied. The pups began to question Chase and Marshall about what happened to him last night, which they denied, since nothing really happened that made Ryder more anxious; apart from being out as bisexual of course. The pups already knew he was into both genders but, they just thought it was a social experiment that he needs to figure out on his own timing, so they never really bothered him about it; which made Ryder so grateful about. He was questioning his own self during that time and couldn't even hold himself down if he see someone he adores. He'll just go all blushy and cutely embarrassed if one of them approaches him or just him thinking about them. He slowly began to eat to make the pups fell at ease and to loose some suspicion.

Once they all finished eating, the pups began to play outside the lookout, leaving Ryder to clean the insides of the lookout after breakfast. He then saw someone approaching. It was Skye with a golden colored envelope in between her teeth, making the boy look at the spinel cookapoo with confusion. "What's that?" He asks as he took the letter from Skye. "The mailman gave it. It was addressed to you and he said it was supposed to be delivered immediately..." She replied. Ryder opened the envelope then he pulled out the piece of paper inside. "What does it say?" Skye yipped happily while doing a flip. The brunette pulled out a confused look. "It only said: 'be ready before ten, I have a surprise for you ;) meet me at the docks' with the initial 'D' on the bottom." He says. "Why would anyone send you a letter that short? It should be something formal and fancy~" Skye says. Ryder closed the letter and began to get ready for this mysterious person that sent him the letter.

It was almost ten and Ryder was already dressed in his casual outfit; a varsity jacket with his usual colors, a blue shirt inside of it, a knee-high shorts, ankle socks and white sneakers. He took a hold of his pup pad to check the time and the pups began to approach him. "Ryder! Ryder! There's someone outside with a jet!" They all barked happily. The boy rushed outside and saw a familiar jet landing on the docks of Adventure Bay. He gasped then hurried over there with his ATV. Once he got to the docks, he gasped at what came out of the airship, a boy smiled at him sweetly.

"Hello, dear, Ryder~ Miss me?"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 || A Paw Patrol FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now