A Not-So-Green-Green Dress

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((authors note: maybe daily updates are going to become a thing, this is actually turning out to be fun to write! i noticed a mistake I had made yesterday with Kira's family name and regular name. Please ignore that! I get confused a LOT. Anyways, enjoy this new chapter!))

The two of you stood in between two different aisles. It was a very strange situation. This man who had been only just a stranger up until last night was...helping you buy new clothes? He didn't even really know much about you aside from the fact you're an utter klutz with an almost empty wallet. He must really be an angel sent from the gods above. You moved a couple sweaters aside on a rack. It was too hot outside to bother wearing one, although they were really cute. Maybe you'd ask him to hold onto some pieces until the weather is right. You didn't want to hoard clothes. "How about this?" you found a sweater that was slightly cropped and turned to face him. It was a light blue. He took a step back and looked at you, a finger on his chin made him look like he was deep in thought. "What's that look for?" you asked him. His brows were furrowed. "Oh, nothing. It looks nice. I like it." he replied and resumed back to his previous browsing.

"How do you feel about dresses?" he asked. "I don't mind them much, I own a couple." you replied to his question. He turned around to face you, a piece of clothing in his hands. It was a dress. It looked awfully fancy too. Why would that be in this aisle?, you thought to yourself. You raised a brow at him. "I think this is your size. I know it's fancy but it never hurts to look around." Something began to build up in your stomach again at the thought that he had picked this for you to wear. "I...er, thanks. Where are the dressing rooms?" He pointed to a hallway that let to a small hidden group of doors. There were two hallways. You nodded and walked over.

Once inside a dressing room, you sighed and hung the dress up. It was a beautiful piece of clothing. The material was a smooth, shiny bright red but it was not too bright if a color to make you look like a tacky exotic bird. It had two small spaghetti straps which were followed by lace off-the-shoulder sleeves with what appeared to be fingerless gloves. Wow. The dress would probably only reach down to above your knees. It was certainly weird that he thought of you while looking at it. You were flattered. You began undressing and was only halfway done before you heard a voice. "I hope it's not too weird that I suggested that I try it on. I just, er, have seen it around and I myself am not a fan of wearing dresses...It's a beautiful piece, I think. It would be even more weird for me to ask a coworker to try it on. I don't want to be looked at funny." You heard a small sound that signaled he was leaning against the wall. You could see his shoes from under the door.

"Oh no! It's not bad at all...just kind of unexpected and I- gah-" Your foot got caught in one of your pant legs. "Damn it-" you cursed quietly. You finally managed to wriggle your foot out of there. "Sorry, now what was I saying? Oh, right. It's a beautiful dress, Mr. Kira. I appreciate the thought." You heard a sigh. "You can call me Yoshikage. Like you did before." Informal? He wanted you to address him...informally? You raised a brow. "Okay then, Yoshikage." You finally took the dress off the hanger. Oh god, it seemed the back of the dress would be closed by ribbons. You sighed and slipped it on, making sure not to rip the lace sleeves. It fit pretty snugly. It fit almost perfectly. You just needed the ribbons. Another sigh. "Everything alright?" he asked. "Yeah, just- agh- ouch-" you had tried to twist your arms to tie it but it seemed to be laced weirdly. You untwisted your arms. "This is awkward to ask, but could you help me with the back?" you finally gave up. "Of course," he replied.

You unlocked the door and let him step up to you. You smiled awkwardly before turning to face the mirror. "It's just to see if it fits if I tie it up. I'll have to learn how to do it by myself at some point." He nodded without a word and picked up the two ribbons. "Do you want the whole thing to be fitted? That might be best." He asked, his eyes not moving from the ribbons. You swallowed and nodded. "I guess that's how it's supposed to be worn so it would be the best decision." you replied. You slightly sucked in your stomach and hoped it would make it easier. This was only out of habit, though. It already fitted really well, there shouldn't be a reason it wouldn't after being tied. "I'm sorry but do you mind if I touch you?" he asked after a short moment. You felt your cheeks flush hot. You stared into your own eyes in that mirror. Why were you so weird about this? It was just a dress! But god, it felt different. It felt so different this time around. You'd sort this out with yourself later if you had the chance.

"Yes. That's fine." is all you could muster out. There was a strange feeling hanging in the air around you two. You had the urge to close the dressing room door in case anyone were to walk by and question why a worker and a customer were in a room together. You felt a hand gently hold your waist from the back. "Let me know if I'm hurting you." he said as he began to pull the ribbon through the loops to make sure they were all the same size when he pulled. You nodded, your face was set ablaze. Thank God he was looking down or he would be met with a sentient tomato. If you covered your face now, then he would sense something was up. Nothing was up! Right? Right?! Even you couldn't figure it out. His hand firmly planted on the side of your waist, his other hand pulling at ribbons, him standing so close to you that you were almost touching...it was too much. You felt pathetic. You've only known him for not even a day. He was just a man. You felt the hand on your waist move. He seemed to be smoothing something out. "I-is everything alright back there? Do you need me to hold anything?" you reached your hand back suddenly. The hand on your waist left and took your stretched out hand instead. "I'm fine, but please try and sit still." he moved your hand back to the front of you. The two of you seemed to linger in that pose for a moment too long to just be called a coincidence.

He looked up at the mirror, his eyes moving to look at you through the reflection. "Is that fine? It's not too tight, hm?" His face was calm. Maybe he had done this all a hundred times before, but this was definitely not something you were used to. His waist-hand then moved to hold a ribbon. The previous one which he had fixed was now between his teeth. He was standing even closer now. His other hand settled itself on your waist as the waist-turned-ribbon-fixing hand began to get right to work. You could feel his warmth on your back. The rise and fall of his chest disturbed the air between you. It was almost therapeutic. He was gentle with you. Some of his breath tickled at the back of your neck. Oh God what a scene. One can only imagine any bystanders reaction.

Kira finally released the ribbon from in between his teeth and held it with the waist hand. He pulled them. He looked back at you in the mirror as if asking 'Is it good?' despite no words being exchanged at that moment. You nodded. He sighed and began to tie the ribbons together into a beautiful bow. His now free hands moved to hold one of yours in each hand. He placed both pairs of hands on your waist. "There we go." It would be a shame you would have to take it off soon. Your eyes sparkled in wonder at the dress. "Oh my god...it's gorgeous." If you could kiss his cheek, then you would. But the two of you had only interacted for a short time. It would be too sudden. He would probably welcome it, but now wasn't the time. He leaned to the side and moved his head next to yours. He spoke right next to your ear. You could feel the hum of his voice in the air. It sent shivers down your whole body. "Hm." was all he said. Oh, if you could melt into a fucking puddle, you would. Despite him not even uttering any actual word, you would melt into the biggest, sappiest, happiest puddle on the earth. Your cheeks flushed a bright rose. He smiled at this reaction. It seemed he liked this. "Well then, I don't think you can wear this out of the store...do you need help untying?" he asked, although he was already pulling the ribbons and untying everything.

You hadn't even realized you stopped breathing. You caught your breath once more. "Right, you're right. Thank you for the help, Yoshikage." your hands remained on your hips. The top of your hands felt empty without him on top of them. Once he finished, he stepped back out to give you your privacy. He shut the door gently and stood guard outside.

To be honest, you felt empty without him on top of you. You felt insane admitting that to yourself.

Oh god you were a mess.

Hopefully the rest of this day will go better for you, as if that had not been quite a good experience. You changed back and the two of you continued on with your quest...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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