harold saw duncan in the hallway. he took out his headphones playing across the sea by weezer thinking of his hot babe leshawna.
duncan pulled out his dads ak47 and fucking shot harold in the feet. duncan has a foot fettish.
harold didnt care. he feels no pain😔
harold walked into my tech class and immediately logged into reddit. when he's off the app too long ge disfunctjons and pisses his pants. the boy who sits beside him, ezekiel, has a piss kink, so he licks it up off the floor before the others notice☺️
harold opened his black notebook titled death note and began writing names down🖤. He spinned his pen in his hand and began speedwriting Ezekiel's name. Zeeke pissed himself. He ate his pants. harold then wrote down more names. he looked around the room and saw courtney.
scott cummed behind him and stole his book reading it out loud to the class. harold stood in embarrassment. he pulled out his crusty android and snapped leshawna. he took a selfie of himself with the dog filter captioned "don't come to school tomorrow.🖤"
leshawna slapped him. "dumbass i'm sitting right next to you."
class was over and harold walked in the bathroom. it was always the same: geoff selling drugs, duncan making out with some random girl, justin filming thirst traps, and trent getting high playing his guitar.
then someone new came in the bathroom, someone nobody talked to. it was the skinny loser cody. everyone fucking hated him.
cody cutely walked into the bathroom and duncan removed his lips from his bae gwen and shot a look of anger at cody.
cody locked the stall but duncan reached his arm under and dragged cody out flinging him out in the hallway.
"STAY OUT!!!" he screamed. duncan looked over at harold. "your next."
harold ran as fast as he could before he fell on the ground and began violently shaking. duncan pinned the ugly nerd to the ground and began punching the shit out of him.
harold muttered, "you'll remember this."
duncan laughed it off and left him there. harold got mad and stole duncan's backpack reaching into it and grabbing his ak47. harold ran around the school shooting the students. harold was playing cod irl.
he wanted to wait till tomorrow, but he was sick of it. duncan ran to the bathroom and grabbed trent.
"dude wtf!" trent yelled.
"harolds shooting up the school we gotta go babe." duncan pulled him out the window. the two safely fled the building.
harold watched as the two got away. harold went after ezekiel who was smoking weed. harold shot ezekiel in the balls and he bled out on the ground. ezekiel rose down to super hell.
justin watched in terror but seduced harold into keeping him alive. harold moved on from justin and went into the hallway. there he shot gwen and bridgette but only gwen lived.
harold then saw the loser cody and noah. he pulled his gun out and put it at noahs head.
cody pushed noah out of the way and kicked harold. the two made their way to the bathroom to hide in the stalls. they shared a vape and hid from harold listening to as the world caves in.
harold had already wiped out katie and sadie and was thirsting for more violence, he entered the classroom. he shot courtney down while geoff recorded and put it on his snap private story.
harold was wearing a black hoodie and nobody noticed him, tyler tried to defend everyone and throw a chair at the shooter but in the process dropped the chair on himself and died of a concussion.
beth died lmao but no one cares bc shes ugly. geoff played pumped up kicks so harold didn't kill him😍
geoff justin and leshawna were safe, but everyone else was a dead man. harold began mindlessly shooting while izzy did her epic ninja moves and evacuated.
harold wiped out the whole english class and moved onto the bathrooms. harold busted down the stall door where noah and cody hid. he shot cody but he was unfortunately still alive. noah tried to help cody but they both died in each other's arms.
lindsay watched in terror, knowing that she was next. harold head shotted her ez🥶
harold waltzed out of the bathroom but was stopped by ezekiel, who rose from super hell. ezekiel was a deformed monster and he kill harold super smash bros style. after killing harold he returned to his normal form.
ezekiel disappeared into thin air and gwen watched in amazement. she was still sad thag she was alive bc she's depressed.
trent and duncan were near the airport. the only option they had was to flee the country and move to germany. they were incredibly nervous but pulled through. although they were broke and had no money they managed to sneak on the plane. they were finally on the plane with no worries.
the only problem was the loud ass baby next to them who wouldn't shut the fuck up. trent offered an earbud (not airpods he's different) but not even that could drown out the noise. duncan was so fed up that he pulled out his spare pistol and shot the baby.
the mother called a flight attendant who threw trent and duncan out of the plane tdwt style.
they plummeted toward the ground at the speed of sound. the landed in some random ass river. trent pulled out his phone and instead of being in germany they were in florida.
"now what?" duncan asked.
suddenly a boat passed them. it was the rich chav dakota who was on vacation. "omgee cute the school fags are on my vacay! beeee who you are." she took a picture with them and posted it on her story. duncan hopped onto her boat and took trent with him.
"get off my boat!!!" dakota screamed. trent and duncan overthrew her.
dakota sadly drowned and duncan and trent made an epic getaway in her boat.