Chapter 48

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Rosalina's POV:

"How far along are you" Xavier asked trying to make conversation. Me and sky didn't her a change to tell the rest of her family that I'm pregnant so it came to a surprise when Xavier saw me with a big belly

"Eight months but I hit nine due date is in two weeks" i say sadly she nods her head

"Oh um it might be a little to late for this but congratulations"

"Thank you" I say with a little smile

Hearing the Hospital doors open I look over to see almost skys whole family walking through the door making my eyes widen a little.

"Is she ok" Noah asked running towards me I shake my head

"They won't tell us anything not even if she's alive for god sakes" I said through my teeth

"How long have you been here" Noah asked

"6 hours" a heavy sigh leaves my lips as I hear Noah sniffle

"She'll be okay" I hear Noah's boyfriend say before
Putting him into a side hug.

"Oh my god your pregnant" Ezra said causing skys family all to look over at me

"Yes" the ones that didn't know looking at my big belly and gasp

The ones that didn't know come up to me and congratulate me we all sit in the lobby waiting from a doctor or nurse to tell us if sky is okay

We all try and make conversation trying to distract are selfs from thinking about sky perhaps being dead or in a bad condition.

——A day later——

I'm awoken by a throat being cleared I open my eyes and see a man dressed in a long white coat with a clip board in his hands and his glasses on the bridge of his Nose I look to his left and see a short women wearing light blue scrubs who I'm guessing is his intern I jump up and look around to see everybody else sleeping I guess we all feel asleep sometime last night.

"Guys wake up" i say loud enough for they can heard.

Some of them groan in annoyed and some of them jump from the sound of my loud voice

Quickly Turning my attention to who I'm assuming is the doctor I let him speak

"I'm Doctor Keith and this is nurse aria are you Ms. sky evans family" he asked

"Yes we are" I hear Alana's raspy voice say

"I'm sorry we haven't been able to give you any information about Ms. evans"

"It's fine just tell us if she's okay please" i beg

"She fine" he said making all of sigh in relief

"What happened to her" i ask biting my nails

"The cuts on her body were infected with some type of poison she basically died but came back to life she kept having seizures and coming in and out of Consciousness when she was shot the gun went straight passed her heart almost hitting it thankfully it didn't effect and nerves in here body we got all the poison out of her system she has a couple Bruised bones but what should go away in a couple weeks we didn't know what was wrong with her until a couple of hours ago we didn't want to give you any false information that's why it took so long from us to talk to you all and we're sorry about that anyways it's a Miracle she's still alive you can go see her now" the doctor say I go to her up when he stops me

"Wait there's something you should know" he says

"What is it" I asked irritated wanting go to see my girlfriend

"We don't know when she's going to wake up" he said making me heart sink again

"Don't panic she will wake up we just don't know when"

"So she's in a coma" Alana asked the doctors Shacked his head

"No she's not in a coma but you could call it that but she's not it's like she's sleeping we don't have a name for it but it's not a Coma but she should wake up in a couple days maybe even a couple hours she's in room 128" the doctor says giving us a little smile before walking way

My heart starts beating in a normal speed when he said she'll wake up again I go to walk to room 128 my I feel something gush under me

I look under near me and sigh heavily

"What was that Gemma" asked causing everyone to looks at me

"I think my water just Broke" i said looking down at the puddle of water underneath me

Causing my family to gasp and call for a doctor


A/n: I changed her pregnancy month to Eight and you'll see why in a while.

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