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For a while now, Misaki has been complaining and complaining about having a mustache. Which was very silly at first, but it was like the fool who conjured these spells was on it every single time she managed to shave, pluck, or anything like that. Which was odd, because eventually the side of her face had scabbed over and now when you looked at her, you almost couldn't tell. Her jaw and chin had the worst, and there was now healed skin over the majority of it. But the hair would just never stop. It was a comical amount as well. Her fingernails and eyelashes seemed to be gone permanently in preparation for such hair.

She now spent alot of time fiddling with herself in the mirror. Even during class she carried her mom's compact mirror and studied her face when she thought others weren't looking. But you all were. Out of habit.

" Misaki do you really have to carry that everywhere? " Tairu asked pensively. Looking up, it was like you caught her red handed.

" Oh shut up and leave me alone. " You looked surprised. It sounded half-like she was joking and half-like she was actually a little mad, You almost never heard he get touchy like this.

" Is she hurting you, man? " You asked.
" Noh. " He said dumbly. He was still playing on that damn gameboy, too. " I just can't take two flies in the classroom. One is too many. "

Oh yeah.

You turned around to look at Souichi, in his usual desk, who began compulsively fixing his appearance again as soon as he realized you were looking at him. Beside him was Anya, whom of which was as lovely as always. You wondered if she had a boyfriend yet.

" Oi [Name]. "
You looked at your other male friend. " What? "
" You still never told us what happened at Sayuri's house. " Also Oh Yeah. She didn't go to this school, so you didn't have to worry about spilling the beans.

" If I told you your legs would shatter into a million pieces. "
" Nuh-Uh, You freakin liar. "

" Incredibly true. " You leaned very far into his desk. " Do you want your legs? "

He palmed your face and gently put you back where you were before. " Uhhhno. Say it during lunch or you're square. "

You rolled your eyes. So you really weren't getting out of this.


Souichi tapped his chin in very very deep deep thought. He cannot possibly believe what he just slooshied with his own two ears.

Now it wasn't just your pet giraffe, it was also nintendo 64 putting all these negative thoughts about him in your head. This is probably why you aren't so warmed up to him like all the other girls here. They practically throw themselves at him when all he really wants is you. It was impossible, and he even sputtered in disbelief before getting quite angry. He snatched his pencil up before writing two letters;

One was addressed to Anya, the so called "Prettiest girl in their grade." To him she looked quite plain really, and she was but a fraction of interesting and kind. The letter was filled with bologna, stuff that'd butter a stupid cutesy girl like her; This about her eyes, this about her hair, all that. He thought, well, if she doesn't fall for this, shes much smarter than I thought. But of course that wouldn't be true.

The second one was also addressed to her, however this included instructions on where to meet him and when. It would be a "confession", but he would see that she was rid of for good.

With this feat of loyalty, genuinely and of course smarts, he feels this will truly seal the love deal between you and him.
When he got home, he really couldn't help writing an anecdote into his diary. But for this to work, it needs to be just him and his brilliant mind, and Anya of course.

" Though she's not a beautiful woman, her blood works.. " he murmured, pacing around his upstairs room in a very speculative manner.  He wonders very curiously just how he should kill her.

He could restrain her and burn her up but it'd just be too obvious that it was him. And even he can confess that recently, his spells just haven't been going the best in the end.. He's going to need some thorough patience. Some practice. And a little fun.

[ Alright, about right here is when I'm going to insert this stretch. I'll explain it more in the next chapter. But if you haven't read the mangas yourself, the end of this chapter is when 'Fun winter vacation.' is going to happen. Then right after that, is 'Souichi's diary of delights'. Heres a short summary of the two;

In the winter time, Sou baits a young woman in an attempt to end her life and also "drink her blood". He does leave a bitemark in her neck, but she punches him and harms him by making his chewing nails puncture his cheeks. She escapes. The high schooler he cursed has a sign fall on him.

Souichi's relatives return for a visit. Machima receives the short stick and is the target of most of his antics. She does end up finding his love letters to Anya and discovers Souichi's secrets. He further curses her and just all around makes her stay unbearable. She reads one of his letters (the love letter) aloud, and embarrasses him enough to reverse the curses and escape mostly fine. Except for a mosquito bite.

So the next chapters are going to take place time before 'Souichi's tutor', and probably overlap it at some point. ]

Y'all remember when people would do timeskips like this;
"Timeskip brought to you by Machima's blonde hair 🤪"
What a time, I miss it.

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