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>hes probably very private about his kids

> like the 4townies only know like one or two things and know some stories about them on Jesse's twitter🏃🏻

>Robaire is the most responsible with them but also he absolutely cannot say no when they ask for something (as long as it isnt dangerous) so he usually ends up getting them what they want

>spoiling the two little kids💀

>which leads to jesse complaining about having more than enough toys for the two

>jesse is done with robaire at this point when it comes to his kids like "😐😑😐 why tho" when he sees two GIANT teddy bears in his hands

> they were too heavy for the kids🏃🏻

> when jesse thinks the kids have had enough toys for a while he'll get tae young to babysit them with robaire

> tae young entertains them with the dogs at his house

> they love poodles

>and chihuahuas

>aaron z says that chihuahuas are them in dog form

>speaking of Z hes the favourite

>they love his sarcasm

> "be careful dont fall" "woah really T i was planning on it but nevermind.."

>or like

> "IS THAT A SMOKE MACHINE??" "no it vapes a lot."

> well he doesnt say that one in front of the kids but like you get the point

>i think

>jesse is an only father (im gonna assume)

> his kids dont know their mom because she left him when they were very young

>luckily jesse was #rich 🎉

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