Professor Barber (Extra)

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You knocked quietly on his study door. Nerves were about to get the best of you. But damn it, you had a lot of effort invested in this and you were going to do it.

When you got no answer, you knocked again.

"Come in," Andy called, a note of curiosity in his voice.

It was the end of his first semester, teaching ethics at the university. He'd been grading papers all day and he'd promised you that he was almost done. Tomorrow was Christmas Eve after all.

Pushing the memory of last Christmas out of your head, he'd been in Mexico with Laurie and Jacob last year and you were being hounded by some man his imprisoned father sent, you took a deep breath. Turning the doorknob, you opened the door and walked in. You were careful to close the door behind you, locking it.

You felt the intensity of his gaze on you before you turned around. You just hoped Andy would play along because you'd never done anything like this before...

"What's this?" Andy asked.

Oh, you had his full attention, dressed as you were. That blue-eyed gaze was smoldering as it moved over you slowly.

You'd spent weeks putting together the indecent schoolgirl outfit with the help of some pretty racy cosplay blogs. The pleated red and black plaid skirt just reached the tops of your thighs which were on display above the white knee-high socks you wore. The strappy black heels you wore made your legs look endless.

The white cotton blouse was thin and tied just under your bust. It hinted at the bra and panty set underneath that matched the skirt and the simple necktie that completed the look. You'd taken your time with your hair and makeup, hoping to take him off guard. Hoping...

"Professor Barber?" You didn't have to act much. You were nervous as hell. "Do you have a minute? I was... really hoping to talk to you about my grade on the final."

Andy schooled his expression quickly, his gaze assessing behind those dark-rimmed glasses he wore. He set the pen in his hand on the desk, lacing his fingers together and putting his hands on the desk in front of him. The sleeves of his pristine white shirt were rolled up to reveal his forearms. His maroon satin tie was loosened.

"Have a seat," he told you, his gaze never leaving you as approached the desk and sat in one of the heavy leather chairs across from him.

Oh, shit. Really?

"Thank you, professor," you said shyly. "I appreciate this so much."

Andy sighed in the quiet of the room, but you barely heard it above the racing of your heart.

"Remind me what grade I gave you," he said, using his courtroom voice on you as you trembled on the cold leather seat.

"D minus." You wanted to make this good.

A muscle twitched at his jaw, but he stayed in character.

"Do you know why you almost got a failing grade?" he asked you.

"I really don't, professor," you were laying it on thick. "That's why I knew I needed to come talk to you about this. Surely, there must be some mistake."

Andy's gaze was so intent on you, you dropped yours. "There's no mistake. I'm all about helping my students as time permits. But if you're going to put such little effort into my class..."

"What?" You did your best to look and sound dismayed, your gaze back on him.

Slowly, he rose from his chair. Andy looked tired, but still somehow immaculate. You were gratified to see the front of his dark gray slacks were slightly tented.

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